Formula Syntax
The formula appearing in the cells has the following syntax:
=fPutValue(ROW(), COLUMN(), period, actuality, company, currency type, account, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, journal type, formula)
The last parameter, formula, is optional and not visible from the start.
Example: The following example displays a formula that loads the period from cell F2, the actuality from cell F3, and the account code from cell B10.
=fPutValue(ROW(),COLUMN(),CELL("contents",F2),CELL("contents", F3),"","", CELL("contents",B10),"","","","","",)
When you enter a value in the data entry window this value will be saved in these dimensions in the database.
If you want a value to be calculated instead of entered, you enter a formula in the cell. You can also enter a fixed value. You write the formula or the value directly in the cell, for example: =F10*1.10 if you want the value to be 110 percent of the entered values in cell F10.