Formula Syntax

The function =fPutValue() is displayed or entered in the cells. When you enter values in the Data Entry - Reported Values window, the value will be saved in the database on the parameters of this function. If you have defined a standard form, the function will be displayed automatically. If you have defined a free form, you need to enter the formulas manually by clicking the Select Account button and selecting the relevant account from the list box. You can also add Excel formulas.

The formula appearing in the cells has the following syntax:

=fPutValue(ROW(), COLUMN(), period, actuality, company, currency type, account, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, journal type, formula)

The last parameter, formula, is optional and not visible from the start.

Example: The following example displays a formula that loads the period from cell F2, the actuality from cell F3, and the account code from cell B10.

=fPutValue(ROW(),COLUMN(),CELL("contents",F2),CELL("contents", F3),"","", CELL("contents",B10),"","","","","",)

When you enter a value in the data entry window this value will be saved in these dimensions in the database.

If you want a value to be calculated instead of entered, you enter a formula in the cell. You can also enter a fixed value. You write the formula or the value directly in the cell, for example: =F10*1.10 if you want the value to be 110 percent of the entered values in cell F10.

Note: If you enter a formula or a fixed value, the complete formula fPutValue will not be displayed, only the last parameter with the formula or the fixed value will be displayed in the cell.