Define Standard Forms

Follow the next steps to define standard forms.


  1. On the Maintain menu, click Form Structure/Define. The Form Structure - Define window opens.
  2. Click the Layout button. Before you do this you must have selected a form and defined the previous tabs. You can also go to the Add-Ins tab/Controller/Forms/Layout (Excel 2007), and select the desired form.
  3. To display the form settings, click the Create Layout button. All definitions from the previous tabs are displayed in the system columns and rows. The cells display the formula, =cc.fPutValue(ROW(), COLUMN(), period, actuality, company, currency type, account, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, journal type). The formula in a cell refers to the system information in the row definition and column definition that intersects in this particular cell. See the Data Entry Function below. If you have changed any definitions on the Row Definition or Column Definition tabs, click the Update Layout button to update the contents of the Layout tab, without clearing all previous formatting. If you click the Create Layout button, the layout tab will be regenerated and all existing formatting will be lost.
  4. On the rows between the system rows and the first form rows you can define headings, which will appear in the Data Entry - Reported Values window. To insert one of these functions, place the cursor on the cell in question and click the Insert Function button. A list of available Excel functions appears. Select the relevant heading and click OK. You can also insert more rows to use for headers by right-clicking on a row and selecting Insert/Rows from the menu.

    If you use the function fPutComment, you have to modify the cell reference in the formula manually. These cell references are created on the basis of that particular forms axes definition.

    If you use fPutComment and cell reference, remember to define all parameters used in the fPutVal formula. If all fields are used in the fPutVal formula, all of them must be defined here.

  5. If you want to calculate a value, based on other values entered during data entry, you can add a formula to the specific cell and thereby lock it for data entry. Just write the calculation in the cell. The formula syntax is regular Excel syntax, for example =F10*1,10. Please note, that after you have written a formula in a cell, the fPutValue formula will not show anymore. It still works though, so that the value calculated by your formula will be saved in the database according to the system information in the row and column definitions.
  6. In Set options for the Layout, enter the range that determines what part of the present layout that should be displayed in the Data Entry - Reported Values window.