Additional Formatting

With the buttons in the Custom Toolbar (Excel 2007) you can do additional formatting that is not available in the standard Excel functionality, such as:
  • Set the number format of a cell. You can define if you want to use thousand separator and how many decimals the cell should display. This option gives you the possibility to ignore the decimal settings made in the Regional Options setup on the server where IBM® Cognos Controller is installed.

    Note that it is the number of decimals defined on the account in Maintain/Account Structure/Define that determines how many decimals are saved in the database. However, it is possible to allow more decimals for data entry, but when saving the values, the system will round them up to the number of decimals allowed by the account structure.

  • Set options for the layout. The print and view areas do not have to be the same.
  • Show and hide system rows and columns.


If you want to include text strings, like headings in the form header additional to the default content, you can do so in the rows outside the blue system rows. There are some predefined functions you can use to display the current dimensions at the time of the data entry. If you choose to print the form, these text strings will be shown on the printout. Please note that the printout, except for the text strings mentioned, do not contain any information from the upper part of the data entry window where the dimensions are selected. The available functions are listed below. You can insert these functions by clicking the Insert Formulas button to the right of the workspace.

In the data entry view, there are no default headings in the form. Because of that, it is advisable to enter formulas with the information that you want to see on the form in data entry view. This information will also show on a printed form. You can use several functions to display the headings. For more information about unctions, see IBM Cognos Controller Functions.