Define Automatic Journals - the Selection Methods Tab

On this tab you can see the selection methods that define whether the parent company should be included, and for which consolidation method the selection should apply when calculating the elimination. This means that you can specify eliminations to apply to the parent company. You can define the eliminations to apply for only one consolidation method, none, several or all. You can define the type of company and how to consolidate the company in the company structure.

The elements you can combine for selection methods are:

  • Parent company
  • The purchase method
  • The proportional method
  • The equity method
  • The joint venture method
  • The new value method

There are a number of pre-defined selection methods that are used by the pre-defined automatic journals. These have codes Sx, where x is a digit. You cannot modify or remove these selection methods, but you can copy them.


  1. On the Maintain menu, click Configuration/Automatic Journals/Define. The Define Automatic Journals window opens.
  2. On the Selection Methods tab, click the New button. All fields are cleared for entry.
  3. In the Code and Name text boxes, enter a code for the new selection method and a description of what it contains.
  4. Select the relevant company types/consolidation methods to be involved in the current selection method:
    • Parent
    • Purchase
    • Proportional
    • Equity
    • Joint Venture
    • New Value (German consolidation method)
  5. Click Save.
    Note: The selection methods used by the predefined automatic journals are also regarded as predefined and cannot be changed or deleted. The predefined selection methods begin with "S".