Copy Specific Group Journals between Periods

You can use this function to copy specific group journals between periods. This is useful when you are booking the same or a similar group journal from one period to another period.


  1. On the Group menu, click Copy/Specific Group Journals Between Periods. The Copy - Specific Group Journals Between Periods window opens.
  2. Enter the consolidation type, group code and journal type from which you want to copy values.
  3. Enter the actuality and period you want to copy group journals from.

    When you copy group journals over a year-end, the From period must be the last month or week of the year. The last period of the fiscal year is defined in the General Configuration function, General 1 tab.

  4. Enter the actuality and period you want to copy group journals to, and click Open.
  5. In the Source Journals list, select the journals that you want to copy from.

    If any of the journals that you select are in the Destination list, they will be replaced.

  6. Click Run.


  • In the currency translation of journals, the details are converted so it is very important that the journal number code is not changed from one period to another.
  • This copy function should only be used within the fiscal year. To copy over the fiscal year-end use the Copy Group Journals function.