Copy Group Journals over the Year-End

When you copy group journals over a year-end, the From Period period must be the last month or week of the year. You can define the last period in the fiscal year in the General Configuration, General 1 tab.

The period to which you choose to copy determines whether the rules for copying over the year-end will apply or not. When you copy group journals between periods in the same fiscal year, you copy each account/journal entry with exactly the same content. As soon as you copy to a period that is later than the last period of the fiscal year, the rules for copying over the year-end will apply. The same rules apply to the copying of company journals.

If you copy company and group journals over a year-end, there are built-in rules in IBM® Cognos Controller defining how to perform this copy process and which accounts the copy process affects. There are two kinds of rules:

  • Basic rules - default for the system
  • Alternative rules - the alternative rules only affect Steps 3 and 4 in the copying process.
  • For a complete description, see the next references.

For more information, see Copy Company Journals between Periods.

Copy without Year-Ending Rules

Normally, when you copy over a year-end, you copy the CB value to the OB, using the rules mentioned previously. There is, however, the option of not using this principle. If you want to copy group journals temporarily over a year-end without activating the year-ending rules described above, select Copy Without Year-Ending Rules in the Group/Copy/ Group Journals Between Periods menu.

Then you can run an account-to-account copying without intelligent rules.

This means that:

  • There is no copying from CB to OB accounts.
  • There is no transfer from the P&L statement to the balance sheet accounts that are stated in the general configuration.
  • All account types are processed in the same way and retain the same account type after copying.
  • There is no change of journal type according to the rules defined in the configuration of journal types.

For more information, see Company Journals.

Copying Copy Rules

When copying group journals, you can choose to copy only fixed/reversing journals or to copy all journals.

The default setting allows you to copy only fixed/reversing journals. You can change the setting if you want to copy all the journals.

When you copy reversing (R) group journals over a year-end, the copy rule is changed to fixed (F).

Copy Journal Type to Reported Value

Normally, copying of group journals over a year-end is carried out from one journal type to the same journal type, and Reported Values (journal type blank) to blank. REPO is a closing version consisting of the journal type blank, that is, reported values. You can also define the journal type so that it changes into another journal type next year, or transfer the journal type to reported values next year. You can define these copy rules per journal type in the function Define Closing Versions/Journal Types, in the OB Copy Rule column. You can specify the journal type you want to copy here. If you leave the column blank, this means that you can copy the values to the closing version REPO.

For more information, see Define Journal Types.

Copy Without Changing Journal Number

When you copy fixed/reversing journal entries, the numbering of the copied journal entries can change. This can be caused by some temporary group journals among the fixed/reversing group journals in the period you are copying from.

If you do not want the numerical order of the group journals to change after copying, select Copy Journals Without Changing the Journal Number in the general configuration using the General 3 tab.

It is a good idea to always place the temporary journals at the end of the numerical sequence, so that there are no gaps in the numerical series when copying fixed and reversing journals.

For more information, see Define General Configuration - the General 2 Tab.