Copy Group Journals between Periods

You can copy group journals for a group between different periods.

You can also enter:

  • Which type of journal you want to copy.
  • If you want to copy only fixed/reversing journals or all journals.
  • If you want to copy the journals without year-ending rules, that is, perform a simple copying without the general CB/OB rules when copying to the next year.
  • If you should clear existing journals before copying.
  • If you want to have a log report.

When you copy group journals over a year-end, certain year-ending rules apply. For more information, see Copy Group Journals over the Year-End.


  1. On the Group menu, click Copy/Group Journals Between Periods. The Copy - Group Journals Between Periods window opens.
  2. Enter the consolidation type, group code and journal type from which you want to copy values. If you want to include subgroups in the copy process, mark Include Subgroups.
  3. Enter the actuality and period you want to copy group journals from.

    When you copy group journals over a year-end, the From period must be the last month or week of the year. The last period of the fiscal year is defined in the General Configuration function, General 1 tab.

  4. Enter the actuality and period you want to copy group journals to.
  5. Select the relevant option button for the group journals you want to copy:
    • Only Fixed/Reversing Journals: Select this to only copy fixed (F) and reversing (R) group journals. When you copy fixed/reversing journal entries, the numbering of the copied journal entries can change. This can be due to the fact that there are some temporary group journals among the fixed/reversing group journals in the period from which you are copying. If you do not want the numerical order of the group journals to change after copying, select Copy Journals Without Changing the Journal Number using the General 3 tab in the general configuration.
    • All Journals: Select this to copy all group journals, that is, journals with copy rules R, F and T.
  6. Select the relevant copy options:
    • Copy without Year-Ending Rules: Select this to copy from account to account without for example CB-OB transfer. When group journals are copied over a year-end, a number of steps are taken according to certain rules. See the description on year-ending rules.
    • Clear Existing Group Journals for Current Selections Before Copying: Select this to clear all existing values for the target group, currency type, journal type and actuality/period before copying the values.
    • Create Log Report: Select this to generate a log report of what has been copied. In this report you can see all six steps for the year-ending rules displayed as columns. The log report can only be created if you copy over a year-end and if you have not selected the option Copy without Year-Ending Rules.
  7. Click Run.
    Note: In the currency translation of journals, the details are converted and due to this it is very important that the journal number code is not changed from one period to another.
    Tip: Always place journals with the temporary copy rule at the end of the journal number order so that there are no gaps in the numerical series when copying fixed and reversing journals.