Generating Reports on Acquisition Calculations

You can use this function to print reports to analyzes which calculations have been performed and how they have been stored.

You can request the reports from a number of perspectives:

  • By company - shows acquisition calculations, you can choose to include the investment elimination template by selecting Include Investment Elimination Template.
  • By account - shows acquisition calculations, sorted by account, to see which companies within the group that have transactions in a certain account.
  • The group's net value (detailed or condensed) - shows either a detailed report of all journals of the group's net value, where different automatic journals are shown as columns, or a summary report containing the overall movements in columns.
  • Conversion report - shows the conversion that has been run on each individual company's acquisition calculations.
  • Historical rates - shows the historical rate entered in Data Entry - Shareholdings and Investments in Group Companies specified for Company, Transaction Date and Account.

The Contents of the Reports

All reports display the acquisition calculations stored in the period database with different automatic journal types. The automatic journal types show what kind of calculation that has been performed. In the report By Company, you can also choose to see the investment elimination templates entered in the Investment register. In the report Group Net Value you can also see the period values entered for this company.

  • Depending on which contribution version you use, you can analyze both the reported values and eliminations or only one of them.
  • In By Company, By Account and Conversion Report, we recommend that you choose a contribution version without BASE.
  • In Group Net Value, on the other hand, we recommend you to choose a contribution version that includes BASE.
  • If the subsidiary itself is a parent company in a sub-group, you only include transactions with automatic journal type 70, Transfer of untaxed reserves, within the sub-group in the reports. You can analyze eliminations of investments and other period calculations first at the group level above.

View contribution calculations in the acquisition calculation report

To view contribution calculations in the Acquisition Calculation report, select Group Net Value and a contribution version that includes automatic journal types 81 or 82. When you select a contribution version that includes automatic journal types 81 or 82, you can select companies on the lowest level in the structure when selecting groups higher up in the structure too.

  • The purpose of automatic journal types 81 and 82 is to display contribution from companies on the lowest level to the top group. These automatic journal types are not consolidated. This means that there is no point in selecting a subgroup to view automatic journal types 81 and 82.
  • For companies with multiple ownership, you can only display a company's contribution from the owning group's perspective, that is, not the company's complete contribution to the top group.

For more information, see Contribution calculations.

Group Company and Analysis Company

When you order a report for a specific company, you must enter both the company code of the company for which you want to print the report, and the group company code and consolidation type the company belongs to. This is important as more than one company within the consolidation structure can own a company. The report will then show the acquisition calculations for the company when the parent owns it in the requested group.