Administering users in Cognos Controller

You must link each user in IBM® Cognos Controller to its corresponding IBMid user.

Before you begin

Before you can add users to Cognos Controller, they must have a valid IBMid. For IBMid user creation, visit Create your IBM account page.

About this task

You must do these steps for each of your Cognos Controller databases, such as production and test.

Note: Only the IBM Cognos Controller administrator (ADM) can perform this task.

The IBMid, which should be linked to the Cognos Controller user (ADM) would have been collected by the IBM Project Office. The IBM Project Office provided it to the IBM Site Reliability Engineer (SRE). When provisioning your Cognos Controller on Cloud environment, SRE would have created that link, between the provided IBMid and ADM Controller user, so that the administrator can log in.


  1. Open the Cognos Controller Classic client and log into the database.
    If you are Then
    Starting from a blank database provisioned by IBM Cognos Controller on Cloud Continue to step 2.
    Using an on-premise database restored to your IBM Cognos Controller on Cloud environment Go to step 3.
  2. On the Maintain menu, select Rights > Users.
    1. Create the Cognos Controller users. For more information, see Adding users to Cognos Controller.
  3. Prepare to link Controller users to their respective IBMid.
    1. Export the list of users from Cognos Controller Classic.
    2. Gather the IBMid of the users.
    3. Create an Import User template file (format .xlsx)
      1. The first row (header) is mandatory.
      2. Enter each user and other required information. Sample of an Import user template:
      Note: Following are the details of the template column:
      • ControllerUser - This is a mandatory field. This name of the Cognos Controller user is added to this field.
      • Active - This is a non-mandatory field. The valid values are F/T. This field indicates if the user is active or suspended.
      • Directive - This is a mandatory field. The valid values of this field are Add/Update. This field indicates the action to be taken against the row.
  4. Create the link between Controller users and IBMid.
    1. Log on to Controller Web.
    2. Go to Administration > User > Import User.
    3. Import the file that you created in step 3.

What to do next

Ask all users to verify that they can access Cognos Controller using Cognos Controller Classic, Controller Web, or the Remote Excel, depending on which user interface they have access to.