Calculation Reports
This function calculates simplified key ratios
and indicators and stores them in the period value database table.
In this function you define formulas for key ratios and other calculations to be stored on calculation accounts. These accounts must then be processed and calculated from the Group/Calculate Fast Formulas menu before the correct calculated values can be displayed in reports. This is a quick way to generate key indicators.
Alternatively you can create reports with other types of formulas and calculation accounts. These reports need to be generated and calculated from the Group/Calculate Report Formulas menu.
When defining calculations for calculating fast formulas you follow these steps:
- define which accounts to retrieve values from
- define which periods to retrieve values from
- define the key ratio to be stored on the calculation account
Difference between Report Formulas and Fast Formulas
The differences between the Report Formulas and Fast Formulas are:
- In the Report Formulas you create a user-defined report where you define a calculation in the Microsoft Excel layout. The calculation is used as input in the function fCalcVal. The calculation is stored in the database when you run Calculate Report Formulas. In Fast Formulas you define a calculation on the Reports/Define Calculation menu and you do not need to create a user-defined report. The calculation is stored in the database when you run Calculate Fast Formulas.
- In the Report Formulas you define the calculation in any way you like, while the calculation definition is more restricted in the Fast Formulas. You can not, for example, divide two accounts with each other in the Fast Formulas, which lessens the risk for unexpected results.
- In Report Formulas you can run the calculation on a more detailed level than in Fast Formulas, for example, you can run the calculation for a specific dimension in Report Formulas.