Calculate Report Formulas

When a period has been consolidated, you need to calculate the report formulas before you can run reports containing formulas or key ratios.


  1. On the Group menu, click Calculate Report Formulas. The Calculate Report Formulas window opens.
  2. In the list box, select the calculation report you want to run.
  3. Enter the actuality, period and forecast actuality for which you want to calculate formulas. Actuality and period are mandatory fields.
  4. If you want to calculate values for all companies within a group, select the Group option button and enter the consolidation type and group code for which you want to calculate formulas.
  5. Select the Include Subgroups check box to include all subgroups' values. If this is not selected, values from one level down will be used.
  6. Select the Groups Only check box to perform calculations for all companies classified as Group (that is, companies classified as subsidiary will not be calculated).
  7. If you want to calculate values for a single company or a number of companies, select the Company option button and enter the company code or codes for which you want to calculate formulas. You can also choose to enter a Group Perspective to be displayed, i.e. eliminations belonging to a specific group.
  8. Enter dimensions in the Include Details area, if and when applicable, for which you want to calculate formulas. Remember that it is the parameters you inserted in the fCalcVal function that decides what will be imported into the database and not the parameters you choose when you run the Report Formula.
  9. Select the Save Between Formulas check box to save each of the calculated values to the database, in case the result is needed as input for another report formula.
  10. Select the Show Calculated Values check box if you want to display the calculated values on the screen.
  11. Click the Run button. The calculation is performed. A message box appears when the calculation is completed.
  12. Click OK.


  • You can always select the company's local currency. However, you can only use other currencies if the selected company or group is converted to these currencies.
  • Companies must have been converted to the common currency.
  • The currency code that is entered when calculating a report formula will be used for the rows/columns with $M defined as currency type, regardless of the entered combination of company/currency type.
  • The parameters you select in Group/Calculate Report Formulas are the same that you can choose in Reports/Run i.e. these parameters are used to run the report and process an output. The parameters you insert in the fCalcVal function are the ones that get imported into the database.
  • Remember that a new calculation does not overwrite earlier calculations if not all parameters in the fCalcVal function are exactly the same.
  • Be aware of that if you calculate a Report Formula for a group, the calculation will be made, and the calculation report will be run, for every company in the group. If the group is large, the processing of the formula can take a long time.