Keyboard shortcuts for IBM® Cognos Controller

You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate through and perform tasks in Cognos Controller.

If you are using a screen reader, you may want to maximize your window so the keyboard shortcut tables in the following topics are completely expanded and accessible.

This product uses standard Microsoft Windows navigation keys in addition to application-specific keys.

Note: The following keyboard shortcuts are based on US standard keyboards.
Table 1. Keyboard shortcuts for Cognos Controller
Shortcut keys Action
Alt+F4 Close the active application
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+C Copy text strings
Ctrl+D Duplicate an item or row in lists, tables and company trees.
Ctrl+F4 Close the active window or form
Ctrl+N New
Ctrl+O Open
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+V Paste text strings
Ctrl+X Cut
DELETE Delete an item or row in lists, tables or trees.
ENTER Perform the default action for an active command button.
ESC Cancel a dialog or exit edit mode in a cell.
F1 Open the help documentation.
F2 Enter edit mode for a cell
INSERT Insert a new item or row in lists, tables or company trees.