Define Control Tables for Automatic Journals regarding Acquisition Calculations

In this function you define how values are to be directed between different accounts, depending on which type of acquisition calculations processing or elimination you want to perform. Here you select the predefined automatic journal and define its control table.


  1. On the Maintain menu, click Configuration/Automatic Journals/Control Tables/Acquisition Calculations. The Control Tables - Acquisition Calculations window opens.
  2. Select the automatic journal you want to configure the control table for and click OK. The control table window opens.


  • The list of automatic journals displays all active automatic journals. You activate automatic journals in the Define Automatic Journals window.
  • The predefined control tables have a number of different appearances. Which columns are shown depend on what is defined in the matrix in the Define tab in the Define Automatic Journals window. The user-defined control table has an optional number of columns, and is structured according to the user's preferences.
  • If dimensions and linked structures are used, IBM® Cognos Controller validates that the dimension is valid for the company according to the linked structures. If it is not valid, the transactions will be posted on the first valid dimension for the company.