Number of Months for the Period

You can define different numbers of months for the period.

Use the account reference text box under the Define/Account Structure. If you do not enter anything in the reference text box, the period is presumed to be one month. The period can be defined for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 months. If, for example, the period is 3 months, the calculation compares the values entered 3 months before the actual period. If the actual period is 0306AC the calculation formula is as follows:

Translated amount (for example legal currency, LE) for 0306AC =

Translated amount (LE) from 0303AC

+ Change in local currency (LC) between 0306AC and 0303AC * (or /, if the divide method is used) period average rate as per 0306AC

You must use the same period definitions for accounts with currency translation code D. You can not, for example, have one account with the reference one month and at the same time have other accounts with the reference three months.

This also includes currency translation code Z. A main account with currency translation code Z gets the translated values from a specification. If the amounts are missing from the specification accounts, the account with currency translation code Z uses the rules for currency translation code D instead. That is the reason to why the currency translation codes D and Z should have the same reference.