Initial publish
The initial publish process creates the FAP dimensions and cubes and fills the cubes with facts and data.
If the dimensions are already present on the TM1® server, they are emptied and not re-created.
The initial publish process:
- Select the IBM® Cognos® Controller data to publish in the FAP client.
- Start the initial publish from the FAP client. You can initiate a full or partial initial publish process.
- The FAP Service transfers facts and dimensions from IBM Cognos Controller to the FAP database.
- A TM1 API call is initiated, building dimensions and creating the cubes.
- A TM1 Turbo Integrator (TI) script is run to collect facts and data from the FAP database and fill the cube.
Verify all IBM Cognos Controller structures prior to starting the initial publish.
Once the initial publish is completed it is shown in the FAP client log. Please note that a full initial publish may take some time, depending on the volumes to be moved from the source to the target.