Enter Start Rates
This function gives you the possibility to ensure that manual company and group journals will contain correct currency converted historical values.
You only enter start rates when you first start using IBM® Cognos Controller and only on already existing journals. You enter the start rates on existing journals, that is, you enter the company and group journals for the year-end period prior to the year you will start the consolidation first.
You will not be able to change the journal, only enter the amount in the converted currency you want Cognos Controller to use when running currency translation the following year.
Note: If
you run the currency translation for the same period as you have entered
start rates, new amounts will replace the entered converted amounts.
- You are not able to change the journals in this window. To do that, you need to go to the original journal in the menus Company/Data Entry - Company Journals, Group/Data Entry - Group Journals. In this menu you can only enter the currency converted amount you want the system to use when consolidating the following year.
- If you run the currency translation for the same period as you have entered start rates, the entered, converted amounts will be replaced.
- Since all journals are currency converted to all currencies further up in the consolidation structure, you need to enter start rates in all currencies found in groups where this company/group is consolidated, all the way to the top.
Tip: If you want to hide the window header,
select View/Header.
The top part of the window is hidden.