Define Control Tables - Elimination of Proportional Companies

Here you define how to eliminate the external part of proportional companies.


  1. On the Maintain menu, click Configuration/Automatic Journals/Control Tables/Acquisition Calculations. The Control Tables - Acquisition Calculations window opens.
  2. Select control table E200, Elimination of Proportional Companies. Click OK.
  3. Enter a journal number. The automatic journal type 40 is displayed automatically.
  4. If necessary, enter a closing version, journal type and contribution version.

    A blank journal type means that the journal will be booked on the same journal types as the calculation basis.

    You should select a contribution version consisting of base values and any automatic journal types (for example 70) that should be handled in the same way as the base values. Note that by leaving the contribution version field blank, base values and automatic journals with a level lower than E200 will be used as calculation basis. This includes IC and IP.

    Once this automatic journal is activated and has a journal number it will be run during the consolidation process. The part not owned by the group will be eliminated on all accounts.
  5. Click Save.
    Offset Account is not in use for this control table.