Regular Expressions
When you define conditions you can use regular
expressions to represent one or several characters. The table shows
examples of regular expressions you can use and what type of characters
they match or skip.
Regular Expression | Description | Example: |
None | ab - Matches abc, Xab | |
. | Any single character | a.a - Matches aaa, a3a, aBa |
.* | Several characters | a.*a - Matches aa, aBa, aBBBa |
\* | Special characters | A\*a - Matches a*a |
^ | Starting with | ^ab - Matches any string starting with ab |
$ | Ending with | ab$ - Matches any string ending with ab |
[14] | In list | a[14]a - Matches a1a, a4a |
[^14] | Not in list | a[^14]a - Matches a2a, a3a, aba |
[0-9] | Single digit | a[0-9]a - Matches a0a, a9a |
[a-z] | Within an interval | [a-z] - Matches f, p, j |
[^a-z] | Outside an interval | [^a-z] - Matches 9, &, % |
[^0-9] | Except digits | [^0-9] - Matches A, a & |
a[^b-m][0-9] | A combination | a[^b-m][0-9] - Matches aN9, az0, a99 |
^[14] | Starting with + In list | ^[14] - Matches 1000, 45 |
^[^14] | Starting with + Not in list | ^[^14] - Matches 2000, 5000, 65 |
| | Or. Allows 2 regular expressions to be considered | ^a|a$ - Matches strings that starts or ends with "a" |