Adding users to Cognos Controller

You must add the same users that you added to IBM® Planning Analytics to Cognos Controller.

Before you begin

Note: The first user ID to log in to Cognos Controller is automatically mapped to the ADM user ID. After the first login, you must always use this user ID to add new Cognos Controller users. The first user ID to log in to Cognos Controller is usually the Admin user shown in your welcome kit.

About this task

Perform these steps for all Cognos Controller databases.


  1. Open the Cognos Controller client and log in to the database to which you want to add more users.
    Use the Admin user credentials from your welcome kit to log in.
  2. On the Maintain menu, select Rights > Users.
  3. Click a user in the Main User Group in the left pane.
    maintainrightsusers window
  4. In the right pane, select the Settings tab and then select User in the list.
  5. In the CAM User field, open the list, select the user you want to add, and then click the check mark.
    maintainrightsusers CAM user field
  6. In the Users window, under Options, make sure that IBM Cognos Controller User is selected, and then click the save icon.
  7. Repeat steps 3 - 7 for each user you want to add.

What to do next

Ask all users to verify their access.