Reconcile Intercompany Balances

You can use this function to generate reports for reconciliation of the data reported as intercompany balances.

All differences are included in the report. The calculation and presentation of the reports are performed according to your predefined control tables. You can only enter a closing version if no closing version has been predefined in the control table, tab 2, for reconciliation of intercompany balances.

You can select to display transactions between a specific counter company or for all counter companies.

The reconciliation report only uses currency translation codes M (Average Year Rate) and B (Closing Rate). If currency translation code D (Average Period Rate) is used in the currency rates register, currency translation code M will be used for real difference calculation instead of currency translation code D in the reconciliation report.

The journal number is the same as the number of the control table.

Report Content Alternatives

  • Detailed: Select this option to generate a detailed report showing all intercompany balances with companies in the selected group/all levels.

    First Column: The first part of the report shows the companies involved in the transaction. The company that has a receivable/income, the creditor, is shown first and then the company that has the matching payable/cost, the debtor. In the first column in the detailed report the dimensions and counter dimensions are also shown.

    Second Column: The second column in the report, Transaction Currency, is only visible if you use intercompany accounts with code J. In this column you see the amount for the receivable/income and payable/cost in the transaction currency for every transaction.

    Third Column: In the last column, every intercompany balance is shown in the currency of the group or the currency code chosen in the report options. In this column you will also receive the calculation difference per transaction. If you use intercompany accounts with code J, the calculation difference will be divided into real difference and transaction difference.

  • Condensed: Select this option to generate a condensed report showing the total amount to be eliminated. You will also see the total difference, divided into real difference and translation difference. This report is convenient to use when you create manual group journals to eliminate the intercompany balances.
  • Non-Match: This report is similar to the detailed report, but shows only the intercompany balances without a matching counter entry.

Extended Dimension Selections

  • Reported Extended Dimension: Select this option to run the reconciliation on dimensions referenced by the reported values.
  • Selected Dimension Levels: Select this option to select the dimension levels you want to reconcile. If you select level 0 (zero), the total amounts on the accounts will be reconciled.
  • Selected Extended Dimension Codes: Select this option to select the dimension codes you want to reconcile.

Report Options

  • Select Net Accounting of Intercompany Balances to print the report with net accounting. This option is selected as default but can be cleared. If you use Net Accounting of Intercompany Balances, you will always obtain a total balance between two companies sorted in company order. If you do not use net accounting, balances between two companies may appear twice in the report. This occurs because both the receivable and the payable against the same company are reported.
  • Select Page Break by Company to generate a report with a page break before each new creditor's company. The page break will appear in the report after listing all intercompany balances of one creditor's company against all counter companies.
  • Select Show Total Figures for Selected Closing Version to show a total for each closing version. If this option is not selected, you will see a separate line for every journal type and REPO.
  • Select Only Transactions within Own Group if you do not want to show intercompany balances reported against companies in the company structure outside the selected group.
  • Select All Levels to show intercompany balances on all levels in the company structure.
  • Select Use Alternative Layout for Large Numbers (>9 digits) to increase the column width to accommodate numbers larger than 9 digits. To change the option, clear the box.
  • Select Page Break by Company and Counter Company to generate a report with a page break before each new pair of two companies: creditor's company and debtor's company. The page break will appear in a report after listing all intercompany balances between a pair of two companies which can be at the same time creditor's company and debtor's company.
  • You have the following sort options for the report:

    1. Sort by Company

    2. Sort by Account

    3. Sort by Difference

  • In Min Difference shown, enter the smallest difference you want to display. If you for example enter the amount 50, the report will only show differences greater than 50.
  • Select Exclude Associated Companies if you do not want to include intercompany balances with associated companies. This means companies consolidated with the equity method and the joint ventures method.