Generate Reports of Intercompany Balances

In this function you can generate a report showing the intercompany balances for a selected reporting company and the intercompany balances reported towards this company.

You can select to display transactions between a specific counter company or for all counter companies.

Note: The purpose of this report is to run it before performing consolidation of a group. A temporary currency translation with code B or M will be performed on the company included in the report.

Report Content Alternatives

  • Detailed: Select this option to generate a detailed report showing all intercompany balances within the current group as well as intercompany balances with companies outside the current group.
  • Condensed: Select this option to generate a condensed report showing a total per account of the intercompany balances and reconciliation differences that your company has with other companies in the structure.
  • Non-Match: This report is similar to the detailed report, but shows only the intercompany balances without a matching counter entry.

Extended Dimension Selections

  • Reported Extended Dimension: This option is the default value. Use the option for reports with all extended dimensions, on all levels.
  • Selected Extended Dimension Levels: Select this option if you want to choose which level of extended dimensions you want to see in the report. When you have selected this option, the Level fields are activated for the dimensions you have registered.
  • Selected Extended Dimension Codes: Select this option if you want to print a report based on dimension codes. When you have selected this option, the Code fields are activated for the dimensions that you have activated.

Report options

  • Select Use Alternative Layout for Large Numbers (>9 digits) to increase the column width to accommodate numbers larger than 9 digits. To change the option, clear the box.
  • Select Page Break by Company and Counter Company to generate a report with a page break before each counter company.
  • Select Only Transactions within Own Group if you do not want to show intercompany balances reported against companies in the company structure outside the selected group.
  • Select Exclude Associated Companies if you do not want to include intercompany balances with associated companies. This means companies consolidated with the equity method.
  • Select All Levels to show intercompany balances on all levels in the company structure below the selected group.
  • In Min Difference shown, enter the smallest difference you want to display. If you for example enter the amount 50, the report will only show differences greater than 50.