Add New Accounts
You can either enter a completely new transaction, or copy a row from the grid by using the copy button to the right and then make any adjustments in the columns before saving.
You can enter and change values in all columns except Amount Orig. CB, Trans. Amount Orig. CB, Amount OB and Trans. Amount OB.
- Automatic journals for elimination of intercompany balances and intercompany profit cannot be adjusted in this window (automatic journal types 35 and 36).
- The Transfer/Import Data and Export Data menus do not include the adjustments of opening balances stored on period 00 00. This is the case for Transfer/External Data/Import External Data as well.
- Standard reports reconciling the closing balance with the opening balance are adjusted with the adjustments made in this window. The adjustment value is also added to the closing balance in the reports to avoid reconciliation differences.
- No currency translation or other calculations will be performed automatically when adjustments have been made with this function. They will be included in the currency translations for coming periods.
- If an adjustment is entered in another currency than the local currency of the company, it will be ignored. To include an adjustment in other currencies than LC, a dummy value of 1 needs to be entered in the local currency.
- It is not possible to make adjustments to transactions generated by automatic journal E300.
- You cannot adjust opening balances for automatic journals that are based on the investment register. The adjustment needs to be done in the investment register on a transaction date that precedes the opening balance period. Automatic journals based on the investment register are Elimination of investments (E100, E105, E106, E110, E115), Depreciation of surplus values (E120, E125, E130, E135) and Currency translation differences in investments (E150).
- Adjustments of opening balances for automatic journals based on base values, for example E500 and E700, will only be taken into account and rolled forward to the next year in a correct way if the opening balance is configured to roll over to the following year. This is the case when:
There are two possible cases for entering opening balance accounts:
- There are no opening balance accounts entered as To account in the control tables
- There are opening balance accounts entered as To account in the control tables and automatic journal E300 is activated and defined
In the second case, the calculation includes adjustments made on the opening balances in this window the current year, but will not be rolled forward to the following years. This means that the adjustment of opening balances will have to be made each year for these transactions. In the first case, the opening balances will be rolled forward according to the account structure. This includes the adjustments made on the opening balances in this window. If there are opening balance accounts entered as To accounts in the control tables and automatic journal E300 is not activated and defined, the system will calculate the opening balance based on the percentage in the company structure and the values on the From account in the control table. This calculation excludes adjustments made on the opening balances in this window the current year.