FAP cubes
Depending on the FAP client settings and on IBM® Cognos® Controller configuration, you can create
up to three different FAP cubes.
In the figure that follows, the different FAP cubes hold the following data:
- A monthly detailed cube that holds leaf level data for all companies as they appear in IBM Cognos Controller (named <Data mart name>MonthlyCompanyDetails, where you can configure <Data mart name>).
- A monthly consolidated cube that holds consolidated values from the last consolidation in IBM Cognos Controller on group level only (named <Data mart name>ConsolidatedGroups).
- A weekly actualities cube that holds leaf level data for all companies
as they appear in IBM Cognos Controller (<Data mart
name>WeeklyCompanyDetails). Note: Only applicable to installations with weekly actualities.
FAP cubes should not be modified because they are created or re-created in each initial publish. But you can automate the movement of the data into additional, customized cubes. The customized cubes might be compressed with regard to dimensions, or might contain additional rules for financial logic that meet your requirements.
The extension points [B in the figure], provide the means to automate the customization of the FAP cubes through standard TM1® functionality. The FAP service looks for and executes Turbo Integrator scripts that follow a specified naming convention. For more information, see FAP extension points.