Sample IBM MQ Broker configuration

The following sample configuration shows how to enable IBM® MQ Broker for use with IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor.

Config step : JMS Configuration ...
Do you want to configure JMS parameters(Y/N)?y
Are you sure(Y/N)?
Enable JMS Events(Y/N)? [n] : y
Enter JMS Type(IBMMQ/ActiveMQ). [IBMMQ] :
Enter JMS Hostname. [localhost] : host-ip-address
Enter JMS Port. [1414] :
IBM MQ Tracing(Y/N)? [n] :
Enter JMS Queue Manager Name. [] : MQ_QueueName
Enter JMS Channel. [] : MQ_Channel
Enter JMS Topic. [] : $SYS/Broker/MB7BROKER/Monitoring/SCC
Enter Time to Live (in milliseconds). [3600000] :
Enter Number of Retries on Connection Failure. [30] :
Enter Time to Wait between Retries (in seconds). [2] :
You provided these JMS configuration options:
JMS Hostname = host-ip-address
JMS Port = 1414
JMS Trace = false
JMS Queue Manager Name = MQ_QueueName
JMS Channel = MQ_Channel
JMS Topic = $SYS/Broker/MB7BROKER/Monitoring/SCC
JMS Time to Live: 3600000
JMS Retries = 30
JMS Retry Wait = 2
Are these correct(Y/N)? [y] : y