Introduction to SLCs

You can set up service level criteria (SLCs) that help you monitor a process or file transfer based on performance objectives.

For example, a Sterling Connect:Direct® process needs to begin by 20:00 and end by 20:30. An SLC might monitor for the timeliness of both events to answer questions such as, Did it begin on time? Did it end on time? If either does not occur within its respective window, the SLC can be used to notify you of that fact. When performance objectives are met or are not met (certain conditions occur or fail to occur because processes either execute or fail to execute as expected), IBM® Sterling Control Center Monitor generates SLC event messages. You can use SLC event message IDs in rules to trigger an action, such as one that generates an alert to display in the Alerts Monitor. As with Rules, there is a global SLC set, and there can be multiple DVG SLC sets, one per DVG defined.

SLCs can be defined to monitor for one or more of the following events:

  • Sterling Connect:Direct Process starts, ends, and durations
  • Sterling Connect:Direct Process step starts, step ends, and durations
  • Sterling B2B Integrator business process starts, ends, and durations
  • Sterling B2B Integrator business process activity starts, ends, and durations
  • Sterling File Gateway arrived file, route, and delivery starts, ends, and durations
  • Sterling Connect:Enterprise® batch arrivals and transmissions and durations
  • Sterling Connect:Express Process starts, ends, and durations
  • Sterling Connect:Express Process step starts, step ends, and durations
  • MQ MFT Process starts, ends, and durations
  • MQ MFT Process step starts, step ends, and durations
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) get and put ends