System Health Overview

Click Menu Button () > System Settings > Health Overview to navigate to the health overview landing page.

Health Overview landing page displays the health status of Control Center Monitor as Poor, Optimal, or Caution. The information provided in the Health Overview can be used to identify how Control Center Monitor itself is performing and allow you to be proactive in resolving the performance issues. The health status displayed on the Health Overview page is calculated by analyzing the health status of various metrics appearing on the page.


Metrics have been defined via a series of Metric Types. Each EP will track one or more of these Metric types. The Control Center Monitor calculates and assigns a health status (Poor, Optimal, or Caution) to set threshold values for their corresponding metric type.

Some Metric Types will have default Good and Bad thresholds values set for them. These Metric Type defaults may have to be adjusted for your installation. You may choose to remove/change these thresholds. When you define Good and Bad threshold value for each metric type of a metric, the Control Center Monitor calculates the metric status for that metric type. By default, the Control Center Monitor computes the status of a Metric type with threshold values 6 times per hour.

When you update the thresholds of metrics type, the health status of metric type and Control Center Monitor is not impacted in real time. The health status changes reflect when the Control Center Monitor recalculates the health status.

For more information and details on metrics, click Details of Metrics.

Procedure to set threshold

  1. Click Edit icon corresponding to the metrics for which the threshold values must be updated.

    2. Input the threshold values in Good value and Bad value fields. You can also view the current set values.

Key Concepts: Health Status Calculation

Health Status Calculation of Metric Types: The health status of Control Center Monitor is computed based on the health status of its metrics. The metric types have defined threshold values, which are compared with the average metric value calculated by Control Center Monitor to determine its health status. Following are the metric type health status calculation rules:
  • If Good threshold and Bad threshold values for a Metric Type are null, the metric will have no calculated “health status” associated with it. Thus, these metrics will not contribute to Control Center Monitor’s overall health status.
  • If Good threshold value is greater than the Bad threshold value, metric health is calculated as:
    • Optimal, when the metric type average value calculated by Control Center Monitor is greater than or equal to Good threshold value.
    • Poor, when the metric type average value calculated by Control Center Monitor is less than or equal to Bad threshold value.
    • Caution, when the metric type average value calculated by Control Center Monitor is less than Good threshold value but or greater than Bad threshold value.
  • If Good threshold value is lesser than the Bad threshold value, metric health is calculated as:
    • Optimal, when the metric type average value calculated by Control Center Monitor is less than or equal to Good threshold value.
    • Poor, when the metric type average value calculated by Control Center Monitor is greater than or equal to Bad threshold value.
    • Caution, when the metric type average value calculated by Control Center Monitor is greater than Good threshold value but lesser than Bad threshold value.
Health Status Calculation of Control Center Monitor: Once the health status of all the metrics is calculated, the overall health status of Control Center Monitor is computed. Following are the Control Center Monitor health status calculation rules:
Note: The metric types with no health status are not considered for calculating the overall health status of Control Center Monitor.
  • If health status of any metric is Poor, overall health of Control Center Monitor is Poor.
  • If no metric type health status is Poor, but at least one metric health status is Caution, overall health of Control Center Monitor is Caution.
  • If no metric health status is Poor or Caution, overall health of Control Center Monitor is Optimal.
  • If threshold values of no metric are set, overall health of Control Center Monitor is displayed as Optimal.
  • You can set the thresholds only if you have Manage access rights for Control Center Monitor System Settings permission. You can only view the metrics, its status, threshold values and so on if you have View Only access rights.
  • Control Center uses only visible metrics to calculate the health status.

User Actions on Health Overview Landing Page

Actions Use Note
Search Search a value in the table The value you enter is searched in all the columns displayed
Filter Filter the values as per your requirement You can filter the data being displayed on the columns on basis of Status and Metric Type.
Export Download the data in .CSV format All the data is downloaded with the applied filters and sorting.
Sort To sort the columns alphabetically If you sort based on the Status, the metrics without a status are not considered.
Note: The metrics are displayed in a default sorting order upon landing and remains the same until you apply sort on a specific column.

Configuration of Metrics

The metrics service has its own configuration file named MetricsService.xml. MetricsService.xml contains following configuration values:
  • metricsUpdateFrequency: determines the frequency at which each metrics is to be updated every hour. You can enter any integer value from 1 to 6, where 6 is the maximum frequency that can be set. The default frequency value is 6.