Sterling Connect:Direct Statistics Log Report
The Database Sterling Connect:Direct® Statistics Log Report is composed of database statistical data based on the information that is important to you.
You choose the database fields to display and their sort order. You can also state filter criteria to limit the records to include in the report. Filter criteria include any of the database statistics fields except for CC Name.
Column | Description |
Alias Member Name | PDS alias member name. |
Bytes Read | Number of bytes read from the source file. |
Bytes Received | Number of bytes that are received by the destination file. |
Bytes Sent | Number of bytes that are sent to the destination file. |
Bytes Written | Number of bytes that are written to the destination file. |
CB_ENC_ALG | Specifies the name of the encryption algorithm. |
CERT_ISSUER | Issuer value from the certificate used. |
CERT_SUBJECT | Subject name value from the certificate used. |
CIPHER_SUITE | Name of the cipher suite that was used. |
Check Point | Indicates whether checkpoint is activated for this Process. The following are possible
values: Y=Checkpoint is activated. N=Checkpoint is not activated. |
Class | Determines the server-to-server session on which a Process runs. |
DEST_DISP_1 | What to do with the destination file after a copy is complete. The following are possible
values: NEW=Creates a file on the destination node. RPL=Creates a file on the destination node or, if the file exists, replaces the named file on the destination node. MOD=Appends data to the end of an existing file for which you have exclusive rights. |
DEST_DISP_2 | Disposition of the destination file after a normal Process step termination. The following
are possible values: C=Catalog K=Keep |
DEST_DISP_3 | Disposition of the destination file after an abnormal Process step termination. The following
are possible values: C=Catalog D=Delete K=Keep |
Date Time | Date and time that the event was generated in Coordinated Universal Time. The format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.msmsms. |
Debug | For Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS®, the DEBUG setting within the Process. |
Destination File | Destination file name. |
Event ID | ID number that is assigned by the system to each event. |
Exec Priority | Priority under which the operating system thread that executes Sterling Connect:Direct runs. Applies to Microsoft Windows only. |
Ext Compression | Extended compression option. The following are possible values: Y=Extended compression is activated. N=Extended compression is not activated. |
FASP Bandwidth | Indicates how much bandwidth each FASP-enabled Sterling Connect:Direct transfer can use. |
FASP Enabled | Indicates whether FASP is enabled for Sterling Connect:Direct transfers. The following are
possible values: Yes = FASP is enabled for Sterling Connect:Direct transfers. No = FASP is not enabled for Sterling Connect:Direct transfers. |
FASP Policy | The FASP policy that is being used for a Sterling Connect:Direct transfer. The following are
possible values:
Feed Back | Feedback code for the module. The value depends on the module that creates it. |
From Node | Node that sent the file. The following are possible
values: S=SNODE P=PNODE |
Function Info | Specifies the function that is performed. |
HOLD | Hold status of a Process. The following are possible values: No = The Process is not placed in the hold queue. The Process runes as soon as resources are available. The following are possible values: Yes = The Process is held in the hold queue in Held Initially (HI) status until it is explicitly released. Call = The Process is held until the SNODE, as specified in the Process SNODE parameter, connects to the PNODE. The Process is then released for execution. The Process is also released when another Process on the PNODE connects to the SNODE. |
LOCAL_COND_CODE | Condition code that is produced by the local server. |
LOCAL_MSG_ID | Specifies the message ID that is produced by the local server. |
Link Fail | Indicates whether a link failure occurred during a transmission. |
Local Node | Server that processed the file. The following are possible
values: S=SNODE P=PNODE |
MERGE_EA | Specifies the merged data encryption algorithm that results from the merger of the PNODE and SNODE encryption algorithms. |
MERGE_SIGN | Specifies the merged results from the digital signature settings for the PNODE and SNODE. If the digital signature is enabled for either the PNODE or the SNODE, then digital signatures are used for the session. If digital signatures are not enabled for both the PNODE and SNODE, digital signatures are not used. |
Member Name | Name of the member copied. |
Msg ID | Server or IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor message ID that is issued with the event. |
Msg Short Text | Message short text. |
Node ID | Server alias. |
Node Name | Name of the Sterling Connect:Direct server. |
Node Type | Code indicating the type of server. |
OTHER_COND_CODE | Condition code that is produced by the other, remote, server. |
OTHER_MSG_ID | Specifies the message ID that is produced by the other, remote, server. |
PNODE | Primary node name. |
PNODE_ACCT_INFO | PNODE accounting information. |
PNODE_ENC_ALG_LIST | Data encryption algorithm that is used on the PNODE. |
PNODE_ENC_DATA | PNODE encryption data. |
PNODE_SIGN | Specifies whether signatures are enabled for the PNODE. |
PREV_SIGN_VERIFIED | Specifies whether the previous encryption key is used for verifying the digital signature. |
Priority | Specifies the priority that is assigned to the Process. The lower the number, the higher the priority. |
Process Name | Sterling Connect:Direct Process name. |
Process Number | Sterling Connect:Direct Process number. |
Queue | Specifies the queue that contains the Process. The following are possible
values: Execution=Processes currently running. Hold=Processes that are either held by the user or operator or held because of execution errors. Timer=Processes that are scheduled to be run later, or Processes in time try again because of session errors. Wait=Processes that are eligible for execution and are awaiting selection. |
RUS_RECEIVED | Specifies the number of buffers that are received by the destination file. |
RUS_SENT | Specifies the number of buffers that are sent by the destination file. |
RU_SIZE | Specifies the size of buffers that are received by the destination file. |
Record Category | Specifies whether the record is related to an event or to a Process. The following are
possible values: CAEV=The record is related to a Sterling Connect:Direct event, such as a Sterling Connect:Direct shutdown. CAPR=The record is related to a Sterling Connect:Direct Process. |
Record ID | Type of statistics record that is generated. |
Records Read | Specifies the number of records that are read from the source file. |
Records Written | Specifies the number records that are written to the destination file. |
Restart | Indicates whether restart is activated for the Process. The following are possible
values: Y=Restart is activated. N=Restart is not activated. |
Retain | Indicates whether Sterling Connect:Direct
retains a copy of a Process after it runs. The following are possible values: Initial=Specifies to retain the Process in the hold queue for execution every time that Sterling Connect:Direct initializes. No=Specifies not to retain the Process after it runs. Yes=Specifies to retain the Process in the hold queue after it runs. You can release the Process for execution later or delete it. |
Return Code | Numeric code that is returned from a completed Process that indicates a success or failure.
The following are the standard return codes: 0=Indicates a successful completion. 4=Indicates a warning. 8=Indicates an error. 16=Indicates an unrecoverable error. |
SCH_DATE_TIME | Specifies the date and time that a Process is scheduled to run. Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:dd.msmsms. |
SECURE_ENABLED | Indicates that IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus is activated for the Process. |
SECURE_PROTOCOL | Name of the protocol that is used for secure connection. |
SEQ_NUM | System-assigned sequence number. |
SERVER_NAME | Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex server name. |
SNODE | Secondary node name. |
SNODE_ACCT_INFO | Specifies SNODE accounting information. |
SNODE_ENC_ALG_LIST | Data encryption algorithm that is used on the SNODE. |
SNODE_ENC_DATA | SNODE encryption data. |
SNODE_SIGN | Specifies whether digital signatures are enabled for the SNODE. |
SRC_DISP_1 | Specifies access to the source file during a copy operation. The following are possible
values: SHR=The file can be opened by another Process for read-only access while it is being copied. OLD=The file cannot be opened by another Process during the transfer. |
SRC_DISP_2 | Disposition of the source file after a successful Process step termination. |
SRC_DISP_3 | Disposition of the source file after an abnormal Process step termination. |
START_TIME | Process start time. |
STOP_TIME | Process stop time. |
SUB_DATE_TIME | Date and time that the Process was submitted. Format is yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.msmsms. |
SUR_SIGN_VERIFIED | Specifies whether the current encryption key was used for verifying the digital signature. |
SYS_OPTS | Specifies the platform-specific system operations. |
Source File | Source file member name. |
Source Member Name | Source file name. |
Status | Specifies the Process status. The following are possible values: Execution (EX)=The Process is running. Pending Execution (PE)=The Process is selected for execution and startup is in progress. Waiting Connection (WC)=The Process is ready to run, but all available connections to the SNODE are in use. Waiting Start Time (WS)=The Process is waiting in the Timer queue because it is submitted with a start time or date that is not expired. When the start time is reached, the Process is placed into the Wait queue for scheduling for execution. Held Suspension (HS)=The operator issued a delete Process request with Hold set to Yes. Timer Retry (RE)=A Process error occurred and the Process is moved to the Timer queue in RE status with short-term and long-term wait times beginning. Held for Call (HC)=The Process is submitted with the hold parameter that is set to Call. A session started from either node moves the Process to the Wait queue in WC status. The Process is placed in the Execution queue when it is selected for execution. Held Due to Error (HE)=A session error or other abnormal condition occurred. Held Initially (HI)=The Process is submitted with the hold option that is set to Yes. Held By Operator (HO)=A change Process request with hold set to Yes was issued. Held By Retain (HR)=The Process was submitted with retain after execution set to Yes or Initial. |
Std Compression | Specifies whether the standard compression option is activated. The following are possible
values: Y=Standard compression is activated. N=Standard compression is not activated. |
Step Name | Process step name. |
Submit Node | Server where the submit operation was performed. |
Submitter | User ID that submitted the Process. |
Submitter Node | Server that submitted the Process. |
Target Member Name | Destination target member name. |
Translation | Specifies whether the data was translated. The following are possible values: Y=Data was translated. N=Data was not translated. |
USER_DATA_1 | Metadata field 1. |
USER_DATA_2 | Metadata field 2. |
USER_DATA_3 | Metadata field 3. |
USER_DATA_4 | Metadata field 4. |