To troubleshoot Sterling Connect:Direct® Integrated File Agent, check the following details to identify and resolve issues:
- Set appropriate permissions for watched directories
- For z/OS, specify valid Sterling Connect:Direct server parameters in the Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent configuration
- Check that required Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent rules are enabled
- Confirm that the most specific rule is in first position
- Confirm that Processes specified in the Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent rules exist in the file system or process library.
- Correct syntax errors in Processes
- For Sterling Connect:Direct UNIX and Windows, the apiPort in the Default_Config.json is not taken into consideration. The apiPort in the default configuration is only used by Sterling Connect:Direct z/OS.
Refer to the problems and solutions that follow to identify and resolve other issues that occur when you use Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent.
- Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent does not start and displays a Cannot run without a valid configuration message.
The configuration file (Default_Config.json) is missing or invalid. Review the CDFA.log files for details and run the validation tool manually.
- Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent starts, but no activity occurs.
- Verify that the Sterling Connect:Direct server is active.
- Check that no other application is accessing a file that Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent should detect. Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent cannot process files that are in use by other applications.
- Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent compares the Compare String for a rule against the fully qualified path of the file found, not just against the file name
- Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent is
designed to compare the Compare String against the fully qualified
path of the file found, but if necessary, you can redefine your match
criteria to have it match against the file name, for example:
In UNIX, specify: '*/abc*' or '/my_watchdir/abc*' Microsoft Windows: '*\abc*' or 'C:\My_Watchdir\abc*'
This forces pattern matching at the file name level only.
- Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent is
designed to compare the Compare String against the fully qualified
path of the file found, but if necessary, you can redefine your match
criteria to have it match against the file name, for example:
- A rule should produce a match, but does not occur.
This could be caused by several conditions:
- Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent supports
multiple rules in a configuration. If more than one rule applies,
only the first rule encountered produces a match. When a match occurs,
rules processing ends.
The first rule should always contain the most specific criterion because rules are searched in the order listed on the Rules tab. If the first rule is too general, then it will always match and subsequent rules will never be processed.
- Match criteria are case-sensitive. For example, USER1 will not match User1 or user1.
- Verify that the match criteria and the rule are enabled.
- If the rule has multiple match criteria, all match criteria must match for the rule to apply.
- Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent supports
multiple rules in a configuration. If more than one rule applies,
only the first rule encountered produces a match. When a match occurs,
rules processing ends.
- When monitoring a watched directory, Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent scans the subdirectories of the watched directory, although this is not required.
Edit the Watch Directory definition and disable Monitor sub directories.
- On z/OS®, SCBC085I is received during an attempt to resolve a symbolic in a Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent rule.
This error occurs when a symbolic is enclosed in double quotes in the Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent rule. To remove the double quotes from the symbolic, run the Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent Configuration Interface and access the Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent rules fields as described in Editing a Rule .
- On z/OS, Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent scans GDG files that are managed by SMS, and causes two destination files to be written for one source file.
You will need to apply software fixes to resolve this problem. For V4R4, apply fix T035471 (PUT4402). For V4R5, apply fix T035648 (PUT4501).
- Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent is detecting files and submitting a Process, but no other action occurs.
Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent works with the Sterling Connect:Direct Processes you create, but this Sterling Connect:Direct component performs no actions other than detecting files in a specified location and submitting the specified Process. The actions you need to perform in response to file detection are performed by your Sterling Connect:Direct Processes. Refer to IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct Process Language guide.
- After restarting Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent, files in the watched directory are not processed, even though processing was interrupted before it was completed.
Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent detects a file in a watched directory only one time. If processing is interrupted, files must be removed and replaced with a new timestamp, or in the case of UNIX systems, you can use the touch command to alter the timestamp so that Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent will detect the files.
- After disabling a rule in the configuration, Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent is still processing files as if the rule is enabled.
Wait for Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent to restart with the new configuration before it can recognize that the rule has been disabled.