Displaying Task Status
Use the SELECT TASK command to select and display the status of IBM® Connect:Direct® tasks. It has the following format and parameters.
Label | Command | Parameters |
(optional) | SELect TASK | PRint | Operator Table | DISplay |
WHERE (SERVER = server name) |
The required SELECT TASK parameters are:
Parameter | Description |
PRint | Operator Table | DISplay | PRint specifies the command is output in hard
copy to a printer. TABLE specifies the command is output to a table. DISplay specifies the command is output to the screen. |
The optional SELECT TASK parameters are:
Parameter | Description |
WHERE(SERVER = server name) | This parameter specifies the name of the IBM Connect:Direct/Plex
member where the SELECT TASK command is performed. The server name
parameter is the 1–8 character name assigned to a IBM Connect:Direct/Server
by the CDPLEX.SERVER initialization parameter. This parameter only applies to a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment. If this parameter is not specified in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment, the SELECT TASK is performed on the IBM Connect:Direct/Manager. |
The following SELECT TASK command example sends output to the log printer:
The following SELECT TASK example is performed on a IBM Connect:Direct/Server named SERVER3 and sends the output to your terminal in operator table format.