Sample IBM Connect:Direct Process That Submits Job Stream
The DGAXRPRC member in $CD.SDGASAMP in the following figure contains a IBM® Connect:Direct® Process that runs the job stream discussed in the previous section, Modifying the Sample Job Stream.
You can set up the sample Process to run automatically on a specified time interval, by submitting this Process with the IBM Connect:Direct SUBMIT command, specifying the STARTT parameter and RETAIN=YES parameter.
You need to modify the following items if you choose to use this sample Process. Copy DGAXRPRC from $CD.SDGASAMP to your process library before editing it.
- Change $SECONDARY.NODE to the appropriate SNODE.
- Change $TSOID to your TSO ID.
- Change $CD.SDGAJCL(DGAJARS) to the data set name containing the job that runs ARS.