Copying from an OpenVMS Node to a z/OS Node
Note the following if you are copying a library from a Connect:Direct® for OpenVMS node to a PDS at a Connect:Direct for z/OS® node:
Connect:Direct for OpenVMS transmits modules in alphabetical order.
OpenVMS allows module names to be 39 characters. z/OS restricts module names to only eight characters. When a library is copied from OpenVMS to z/OS, z/OS truncates the module name to eight characters. As a result, you should limit OpenVMS module names to unique eight character names.
For example, if the OpenVMS module names for two files are modulenamea and modulenameb, both module names are truncated to modulena and transferred in alphabetical order. Neither file exists on the z/OS node.
If REPLACE is in effect, the OpenVMS module modulenamea is sent to the Connect:Direct for z/OS node and renamed modulena. Next, the OpenVMS module modulenameb is sent and replaces the module previously sent (as modulenamea) to the Connect:Direct for z/OS node.
If NOREPLACE is in effect, the OpenVMS module modulenamea is sent to the Connect:Direct for z/OS node and renamed modulena. Next, the OpenVMS module modulenameb is sent to z/OS. z/OS truncates the module name to modulena. Because NO REPLACE is in effect, and both modules are identical to eight characters, modulenameb does not replace the module previously sent to the Connect:Direct for z/OS node. modulenameb is not reflected in the library as a new member.