Create Virtual Servers Using the Node Factory

The node factory creates node objects, which act as virtual servers. Virtual servers represent a Connect:Direct® server (a node). The Automation Server Node Factory provides the following properties:

Property Description
Node Name The name of the node to connect to. The node name is set using the Connect:Direct Client Connection Utility.
Userid The user ID to use when connecting to the node.
Password The password for the user ID to connect to the node.

The Connect:Direct Automation Server Node provides the following methods:

Method Description
SelectStats(criteria) Criteria specifies the complete SELECT STATISTICS string.
SelectProc(criteria) Criteria specifies the complete SELECT PROCESS string.
Submit(text) The text specifies the Process to SUBMIT.

Identify Active Processes

The Process object represents a Process running on the node. The records are returned as Process objects, stored in a ProcCollection container. The Connect:Direct Automation Server Process object provides the following properties:

Property Type Description
ProcessName String The Process name.
ProcessNumber Long The Process number assigned by Connect:Direct when the Process is placed in the TCQ.
ConditionCode Long The return code.
Feedback Long Provides additional return code information.
MsgId String The message identifier.
MsgText String The message text field.
MsgData String Message substitution fields.
LogDateTime Date The logged time stamp.
SchedDateTime Date The date and time the Process is scheduled to be submitted.
SubmitNode String The name of the node from which the Process was submitted.
Submitter String The user ID of the person submitting the Process.
PNode String The primary or controlling node in the Process.
SNode String The secondary or partner node in the Process.
Status String The status of the Process in the queue.
Retain String Specifies whether the Process is to be retained in the TCQ for future submission.
Hold String The TCQ hold status of the Process.
Class Long The session class on which the Process is executing.
Priority Long The TCQ selection priority of the Process.
ExecPriority Long The operating system execution priority of the Process.
Queue String The logical queue where the Process is currently located (Execution, Hold, Wait, or Timer).
Step Name String The currently executing step of the Process.
LocalNode String Specifies whether the primary or secondary node is the local node and has primary control.
FromNode String Specifies whether the primary or secondary node is the source node in a copy.
SimpleCompress Boolean Specifies whether to perform repetitive character compression.
ExtendedCompression Boolean Specifies whether to perform repetitive string compression.
Checkpoint Boolean Specifies the use of checkpointing in a copy step.
Restart Boolean Specifies whether the Process is restarted.
SourceFile String The name of the source file.
TotalBytes Long The number of data bytes read or written.
TotalRecs Long The number of data records read or written.
SentBytes Long The number of data bytes sent.
Sent RUs Long The number of RU bytes sent.
DestFile String The name of the destination file.

Identify Statistic Records

The Statistic object represents the records in the statistics database. They are returned from a SELECT STATISTICS query. The Connect:Direct Automation Server Statistic object provides the following properties:

Property Data Type Description
ProcessName String The Process name.
ProcessNumber Long The Process number assigned by Connect:Direct when the Process is placed in the TCQ.
Feedback Long Provides additional return code information.
MsgId String Message identifier.
MsgText String Message text.
MsgData String Message substitution fields.
LogDateTime Date The logged time stamp.
StartDateTime Date The start time stamp.
StopDateTime Date The stop time stamp.
Submitter String The submitter's user ID.
SNode String The secondary node name.
RecCat String The record category.
RecId String The record identifier tag.
GetAuditField String

Returns the audit field value.

The GetAuditField() function supports the following audit information field names:

  • "Step Name"
  • "Primary Node Name"
  • "Secondary Node Name"
  • "Link Fail"
  • "Translation"
  • "Status"
  • "Function"
  • "Member Name"
  • "Sysopts"
  • "Bytes Read"
  • "Records Read"
  • "Bytes Sent"
  • "RUs Sent"
  • "Bytes Written"
  • "Records Written"
  • "Bytes Received"
  • "RUs Received"
  • "RU Size"
  • "Local Condition Code"
  • "Local Message ID"
  • "Other Condition Code"
  • "Other Message ID"
  • "PNode Accounting Info"
  • "SNode Accounting Info"
  • "Local Node"
  • "Retain"
  • "Class"
  • "Priority"
  • "Execution"
  • "Standard Compression"
  • "Extended Compression"
  • "Checkpoint"
  • "Scheduled Date/Time"
  • "Start Date/Time"
  • "Stop Date/Time"
  • "Submit Date/Time"
  • "From Node"
  • "Queue"
  • "Restart"
  • "Function"
Property Data Type Description
GetAuditField (Continued) String

Returns the audit field value.

The GetAuditField() function supports the following audit information field names:

  • "Source File"
  • "Source Disposition #1"
  • "Source Disposition #2"
  • "Source Disposition #3"
  • "Destination File"
  • "Destination Disposition #1"
  • "Destination Disposition #2"
  • "Destination Disposition #3"
  • "Hold"
  • "Substitution String"
  • "Submitter Node"