Requesting Reports Using ARS Screens

About this task

The ARS screens identify the information to build the job. Certain information is retained between sessions to prevent the need to enter the same information each time you request a report.

To access the ARS screens through the IUI:

Select ADMIN from the Primary Options Menu.

  View  Modify  Control  Create  Execute  Help
CD.ART           IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS          Primary Options Menu
Option ===>

Select one of the following:

   CF    - Copy a file                                    *********************
   SB    - Submit a predefined process                    *                   *
   DF    - Define a process using ISPF Edit               * Today: 08.30.2018 *
   SS    - View statistics for a completed process        * Time:  14:00      *
   S2    - Advanced view statistics                       * UID:   USER12     *
   MB    - Submit a batch to Connect:Enterprise for z/OS  *                   *
   CP    - Change characteristics of a process            * OPT Enabled       *
   DP    - Delete a non-executing process                 * OPT Part-Enabled  *
   FP    - Flush an executing process                     * OPT Disabled      *
   SP    - View data about an executing process           *                   *
   PS    - Suspend an executing process                   *********************
   MSG   - View Connect:Direct message text
   SW    - Swap among concurrent Connect:Direct sessions
   SD    - View/Change your Connect:Direct signon information defaults
   NM    - View information in the Connect:Direct network map
   WHO   - View characteristics of your Connect:Direct IUI environment
   SPF   - Enter ISPF/PDF
   AUTH  - View your Connect:Direct function authorization
   MS    - Sign on to multiple Connect:Direct nodes concurrently
   ADMIN - Perform Connect:Direct administrative functions


  1. From the Administrative Options Menu, select ARS.
     View  Modify  Control  Delete  Secure+  Help
    CD.ART             Connect:Direct Administrative Options Menu
    Option ===>
    Select one of the following:
       ST    - View type record                               *********************
       IT    - Insert/Update type record                      *                   *
       DT    - Delete type record                             * Today: 08.30.2018 *
       SU    - View user authorization record                 * Time:  14:05      *
       IU    - Insert/Update user authorization record        * UID:   USER12     *
       DU    - Delete user authorization record               *                   *
       TS    - View Connect:Direct tasks                      * OPT Enabled       *
       TF    - Flush a Connect:Direct task                    * OPT Part-Enabled  *
       S     - Execute Secure Plus Commands                   * OPT Disabled      *
       MD    - Modify Connect:Direct trace characteristics    *                   *
       C     - Enter a native Connect:Direct command          *********************
       SN    - Terminate Connect:Direct
       ARS   - ARS reporting facility
       NM    - View information in the Connect:Direct network map
       UNM   - Update the Connect:Direct network map
       INQ   - Inquire about DTF internal status
       STAT  - Perform statistics functions
  2. To request the report, provide signon data, and specify the time period for the report, continue with the following steps.
  3. To submit the job stream without changing any data, type SUB (submit) at the CMD field and then press Enter.
        $cd.node         Connect:Direct for z/OS - ARS REPORT OPTIONS
        CMD ==>                                                                  hh:mm
                AC - ACTIVITY                            PS - NON-PDS COPY
                SM - SUMMARY                             PO - PDS COPY
                EX - EXCEPTION                           RJ - RUNJOB
                SC - SECURITY                            RT - RUNTASK
                                                         SB - SUBMIT
          REPORT TYPE  ==>          EDIT JCL ==>   (Y,N)
          Connect:Direct SIGNON PARAMETERS
          USER ID      ==> $uid
          PASSWORD     ==>
          NETMAP NAME  ==> $cd.netmap
          TRANSPORT    ==> NET
          COMMUNICATION ADDRESS ==> (      ,                 )
          START DATE   ==>             START TIME  ==>
          STOP  DATE   ==>             STOP  TIME  ==>

    The following table contains a description of the screen fields.

    Field Description
    REPORT TYPE Specifies the ARS report.
    EDIT JCL Specifies an option to edit JCL.
    USER ID Specifies the userid for signing on to IBM® Connect:Direct®, if your security environment requires it. (optional)
    PASSWORD Specifies the password needed to access IBM Connect:Direct. (optional)
    NETMAP NAME Specifies the name of the IBM Connect:Direct Network Map.
    TRANSPORT Enables override of signon defaults for DGADBATC transport type.
    COMMUNICATION ADDRESS Specifies port number and IP address with TRANSPORT=TCP.
    REPORTING RANGE Identifies the date, day or time period that you want the requested report to cover. (optional)

    If all four fields are blank, the contents of the statistics file is used.

    START DATE or STOP DATE Specifies the date or day that the statistics records are selected for the ARS report.

    You can specify the day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy for 2-digit year and yyyy for 4-digit year). Use periods or backslashes (\) to separate the components of a date value.

    You can specify the date (dd), month (mm), and year (yy) in one of the following formats: yymmdd or yyyymmdd; yy/mm/dd or yyyy/mm/dd; or; mmddyy or mmddyyyy; mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy; mm.dd.yy or mm.dd.yyyy; or the Julian date, yyddd or yyyyddd; yy/ddd or yyyy/ddd; or yy.ddd or yyyy.ddd. If you only specify the date, the time defaults to 00:00.

    This date must have the same format as specified in the DATEFORM initialization parameter.

    You can also use day in these fields to indicate day of the week for which the statistics records are searched. Valid names include MOnday, TUesday, WEdnesday, THursday, FRiday, SAturday, and SUnday.

    You can also specify TODAY, which searches for the statistics records today; or TOMORROW, which searches for statistics records the next day; or YESTER, which searches for statistics records for yesterday.

    START TIME or STOP TIME Specifies the time of day in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss) when the statistics records are selected for the ARS report. Specify AM or PM. You can express the time of day using the 24-hour clock or the 12-hour clock. If you use the 24-hour clock, valid times are 00:00-24:00. If you use the 12-hour clock, you can express 1:00 hours as 1:00AM, and you can express 1:00 PM as 13:00 hours. If you do not use AM and PM, the 24-hour clock is assumed. You do not need to specify minutes and seconds.

    You can also specify NOON, which searches for the statistics records at noon, or MIDNIGHT, which searches for the statistics records at midnight.

    The default for the time is 00:00:00, the beginning of the day.

    If you do not specify START TIME and STOP TIME but you do specify the START DATE and STOP DATE, the time range default is 00:00 to 24:00.