Process Management in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex
In a IBM® Connect:Direct®/Plex, the IBM Connect:Direct Manager uses a set of Process management rules to schedule Processes to IBM Connect:Direct Servers. These rules are applied in the following order as shown below. Note that these rules are based on MAXPROCESS, MAXPRIMARY and MAXSECONDARY being the same across all Servers in a CDPlex. Although you can change these values across Servers, the results may be unpredictable.
- The IBM Connect:Direct first checks if the remote node is running a IBM Connect:Direct release that supports multiple servers. If the remote node does not support multiple servers, the IBM Connect:Direct Manager schedules all Processes to the IBM Connect:Direct Server that is already running a Process with this node, and Process management does not occur. If the node supports multiple servers, the IBM Connect:DirectManager continues with the Process management rules that follow.
- The IBM Connect:Direct Manager determines which IBM Connect:Direct Servers can run the Process, based on the PLEXCLASS of the IBM Connect:Direct Server and the Process, and the current transport support in the IBM Connect:Direct Server.
- The IBM Connect:Direct Manager then determines which IBM Connect:Direct Server from step 2 has the lowest workload. The current Process workload of each IBM Connect:Direct Server is determined by dividing the number of active Processes on the server by its MAXPROCESS initialization parameter value. If there is no activity on any of the IBM Connect:Direct Servers, if any of the Servers have a lower MAXPROCESS value, the workload will be directed to the Server(s) with the highest MAXPROCESS as it is perceived as the least busy.
If two or more IBM Connect:Direct Servers have the lowest workload, the Process is sent to the IBM Connect:Direct Server that has the earliest last scheduled time (the time of day that the IBM Connect:Direct Server Process is scheduled).
Also, to perform workload balancing with an external IBM Connect:Direct system when the IBM Connect:Direct/Plex is the SNODE, the external system must be a IBM Connect:Direct version that supports the IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment. You do not have to configure the external system as a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex. Configure it to communicate directly with the IBM Connect:Direct Manager.