Batch Compression Utility (DGASACMP)
DGASACMP is a batch utility that compresses and stores files in ZLIB-compressed format. You can transfer these compressed files using a IBM® Connect:Direct® Process and store them on the remote node as compressed data. A user can execute DGASACMP on the remote node to decompress the data and store it in the original format. These files cannot be decompressed using any other utility.
DGASACMP supports physical sequential files (PS), KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS VSAM files. DGASACMP cannot allocate VSAM files as DISP=(NEW,CATLG), so you must pre-define the VSAM output file when decompressing a file that was originally VSAM.
DGASACMP does not support PDS (or PDSE) files as PDS, but you can use IEBCOPY to unload the PDS, then compress or decompress using DGASACMP.