Batch Compression Utility (DGASACMP)

DGASACMP is a batch utility that compresses and stores files in ZLIB-compressed format. You can transfer these compressed files using a IBM® Connect:Direct® Process and store them on the remote node as compressed data. A user can execute DGASACMP on the remote node to decompress the data and store it in the original format. These files cannot be decompressed using any other utility.

Note: You can also decompress files using a IBM Connect:Direct Process. Refer to Automatic Decompression for more information.

DGASACMP supports physical sequential files (PS), KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS VSAM files. DGASACMP cannot allocate VSAM files as DISP=(NEW,CATLG), so you must pre-define the VSAM output file when decompressing a file that was originally VSAM.

DGASACMP does not support PDS (or PDSE) files as PDS, but you can use IEBCOPY to unload the PDS, then compress or decompress using DGASACMP.