The SUSPEND PROCESS, FLUSH PROCESS, and DELETE PROCESS commands have the following format and associated parameters. Required parameters and keywords are in bold print.
Label | Command | Parameters |
(optional) | FLUSH PROCess |
PNAME= name | (list) PNUMber= number | (list) SUBmitter= (node name, user ID)|(list) FORCE ) Note: The
FORCE parameter is not valid for DELETE PROCESS.
CASE = Yes | No |
The following table describes the parameters:
Parameter | Description |
WHERE ( PNAME = name | (list) PNUMber = number | (list) SUBmitter = (nodeid, user ID) | (list) FORCE ) |
Specifies which Process to suspend, delete, or flush. Name multiple Processes in
the command using the search criteria method described on Setting Selection Criteria . WHERE is the only required parameter for the SUSPEND PROCESS, DELETE PROCESS, and FLUSH PROCESS commands. Its subparameters are optional. However you must specify at least one of the PNAME, PNUMBER, and SUBMITTER subparameters. PNAME = name | (list) specifies the name of the Process or a list of Process names enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. PNUMber = number | (list) specifies the number of the Process selected or a list of Process numbers enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. The range is 1-99999. SUBmitter = (nodeid, user ID) | (list) specifies the nodeid and user ID of the user that submitted the Process. Specify a list of SUBmitter IDs by enclosing the IDs in parentheses and separating them by commas. FORCE enables you to suspend or flush a Process waiting for unavailable resources. If the initial suspend or flush fails, retry the command with FORCE. Note: FORCE parameter is not valid for DELETE PROCESS. If FORCE is
specified for a Process executing on an LU6.2 session, it can terminate the session immediately, and
IBM® Connect:Direct® does not exchange the
Process statistics between nodes.
CASE = Yes | No | Specifies whether parameters associated with accounting data, user ID, password, and data set name are case sensitive. The designation refers only to the command, not the Process itself. This parameter is optional. |