SUBMIT Command
The SUBMIT command enables you to submit a Process to the TCQ for execution. Parameters you specify on the SUBMIT command override any corresponding parameters specified in the Process itself.
The SUBMIT command has the following format. The Label is optional.
Label SUBmit Parameters and Subparameters
The SUBMIT command has the following parameters. The required parameters and keywords are in bold print. Default values for parameters and subparameters are underlined.
Label | Command | Parameters |
(optional) | SUBmit | PROC= member
or DSN= dsn | dsn(member) CASE= Yes | No
CLASS= n CRC = (OFF|ON) DEBUG= trace settings for this Process FASP= No | SSP FASP.BANDWIDTH=nnn | nM | nG FASP.FILESIZE.THRESHOLD=nnn | nM | nG FASP.POLICY=FAIR|HIGH|LOW|FIXED HOLD= Yes | No | Call MAXDELAY= [unlimited | queued | 0 | hh:mm:ss] NEWNAME= newname NOTIFY= %USER | user PACCT= 'pnode accounting data' PLEXCLASS= (pnode class, snode class) PNODE= primary node name PNODEID= (ID, pswd, newpswd) PRTY= n REQUEUE= Yes | No RETAIN= Yes | No | Initial SECURE=OFF|SSL|TLS10|TLS11|TLS12|TLS13, or SECURE=ENCRYPT.DATA=Y|N or SECURE = (OFF | SSL | TLS10 | TLS11 | TLS12 | TLS13, ENCRYPT.DATA=Y|N) or SECURE = (OFF | SSL | TLS10 | TLS11 | TLS12 | TLS13 |<cipher_suite>| (cipher_suite_list)) SACCT= 'snode accounting data' SNODE= secondary node name | TCPNAME=tcpvalue;port SNODEID= (ID, pswd, newpswd) &symbolic 1= variable string 1 &symbolic 2= variable string 2 ...=... &symbolic N= variable string N |
The following tables describes SUBMIT command parameters:
Parameter | Description |
PROC = member | Specifies the Process Library member name. This name is the member of the PUBLIB
which contains the Process you are submitting. The member name is a 1-8 character alphanumeric
string, with the first character alphabetic. This parameter is required if the Process resides in
the IBM® Connect:Direct® PUBLIB. The IBM Connect:Direct PUBLIB PDS is specified by the DMPUBLIB ddname allocated to the TSO session or specified in the batch job stream. |
DSN = dsn | dsn (member) | Specifies the data set name or the name of the member of a PDS that contains the
Process if the Process is not in the IBM Connect:Direct PUBLIB. This parameter is
required if the Process does not reside in the IBM Connect:Direct
PUBLIB. dsn is the data set name of a sequential file that contains the Process. dsn(member) specifies the PDS name and member name (in parentheses) that contains the Process. Specify either PROC or DSN; do not specify both. |
CASE = Yes | No | Specifies whether parameters associated with accounting data, user ID, password, and data set name in the command and in the Process are to be case sensitive. This parameter is optional. |
CLASS = n | Determines the node-to-node session on which a Process can execute. See your IBM Connect:Direct administrator for which class to specify. The range is 1-255. This parameter is optional. |
CRC =(OFF|ON|DEFAULT) | Determines if you will perform CRC checking for any TCP/IP Process command sending to this node. If overrides are allowed, this parameter enables you to override the CRC setting in the initialization parameters for this node.Note: Although DEFAULT is an acceptable value, it is the equivalent of not specifying the network map parameter at all and would normallyonly be seen in the output of the network map file unload when no CRC specification had been supplied previously. |
DEBUG= trace | Specifies the 8-position trace setting for this Process. This parameter enables you to specify a part trace for a particular Process. For more information see Debug Settings in the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS® Administration Guide. |
HOLD = No | Yes | Call | Specifies whether or not the Processes are placed in the hold queue. This
parameter is optional. No specifies that IBM Connect:Direct does not place the Process in the hold queue, but places it in the WAIT for execution queue (EX). HOLD=NO is the default. Yes specifies that the Process remains in the hold queue until either a CHANGE PROCESS command releases the Process or a DELETE PROCESS command deletes the Process. When HOLD=YES and you specify a value for the STARTT parameter, IBM Connect:Direct places the Process submitted in the hold queue. Note: When RETAIN=Y, IBM Connect:Direct ignores the HOLD
Call specifies that IBM Connect:Direct is to place the Process in the hold queue until a session is established with the specified SNODE. This session is established by either another Process starting on the PNODE destined for the same SNODE or the SNODE contacting the PNODE. For example, a Process submitted with HOLD=NO establishes a session and causes execution of any Processes residing on the SNODE destined for this node that are submitted with HOLD=CALL. Note: To support dial-up connections from Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows platforms and
release Processes serially, define the SNODE using a TCP/IP address of (a null IP address).
You may let the port number default since it will be resolved at connection time. Processes
submitted to such nodes will default to HOLD=CALL status and can only be released by a NULL or
ENABLE process from Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows. Releasing
Processes to such nodes will immediately cause them to return to HOLD=CALL status without executing
because the connection cannot be resolved. Processes initiated by such nodes will execute normally,
but will not release the HOLD=CALL Processes. Checkpoint restart is supported for such
MAXDELAY = [unlimited | queued | 0 | hh:mm:ss] | Indicates that the submit command waits until the submitted Process completes
execution or the specified time interval expires. This parameter is optional. Do not use
MAXDELAY for a submit within a Process—use only in SUBMIT commands. Note: If the Process does
not complete within the time interval specified by queued or hh:mm:ss, the API returns
SSPA006I, RC=4 and DGADBATC or DGA#CBAT terminates with RC=48
unlimited specifies that the submit command waits until the Process completes execution. If MAXDELAY is coded and no parameters are specified then in this case MAXDELAY will default to unlimited. queued specifies that the submit command waits until the Process completes or 30 minutes, whichever occurs first. 0 specifies that the submit command attempts to start a session for the submitted Process to execute on immediately. If IBM Connect:Direct cannot establish a session, after all retries are exhausted, the Process is flushed and the submit command fails with the error SVTM118I RC=52(x'34'). Note: If IBM Connect:Direct cannot establish a
session after all retries are exhausted due to all available sessions on the remote node
being in use, that is, when session attempts fail with error SVTM080I SESSION (nnn) REJECTED
pname (pnum) SNODE=remote.node, the Process is flushed and the submit command fails with the
error SVTM118I RC=12(x'0C').
MAXDELAY=0 Processes will not use the intelligent retry feature. When a transfer to a remode node times out and retries, subsequent transfers to the same remote node will also time out and retry rather than being added to the wait queue. hh:mm:ss specifies that the submit command waits for an interval no longer than the specified hours, minutes, and seconds or until the Process completes, whichever occurs first. |
NEWNAME = newname | Specifies the new name of the Process. The default is the label on the Process statement. This parameter is optional. |
NOTIFY = %USER | user ID | Specifies the user ID to receive Process completion messages. This parameter is
optional. %USER specifies that the user who submitted the Process receives the completion messages, if the IBM Connect:Direct user ID that the user is currently logged on with is the same as the TSO user ID. If the IBM Connect:Direct user ID is different from the TSO user ID, the TSO user is not notified but the ID to which IBM Connect:Direct is logged on will be notified. user ID specifies the TSO user ID that receives Process completion messages. Note: The NOTIFY capability is not supported across z/OS images in the sysplex environment. IBM Connect:Direct cannot send Process completion messages across z/OS images in a sysplex. |
PACCT = 'pnode accounting data' | Accounting data for the PNODE. The maximum length of the accounting data is 256
characters. If special characters are part of the accounting data, you must enclose the string in
single quotation marks. This parameter is optional. This data overrides any accounting data specified on the SIGNON command and any accounting data specified in the Process statement of the submitted Process. |
PLEXCLASS = (pnode class, snode class) | Specifies the class that directs the Process to only certain servers in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex. This parameter is only
used in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex and is
optional. You can designate each server in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex to support only certain PLEXCLASSes through the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. You can then limit Processes to only those servers by specifying the PLEXCLASS in the Process definition. The pnode class controls which IBM Connect:Direct Server runs the Process. The snode class controls what other node is used with the Process. The pnode class and snode class are each 1-8 characters long. An asterisk (*) indicates that the Process runs on any server with an asterisk designated in the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. If you do not specify a PLEXCLASS, the network map is checked for a default PLEXCLASS. If the network map does not specify a default PLEXCLASS, then an asterisk is used as the default. If a Process must run on a specific IBM Connect:Direct Server, specify the IBM Connect:Direct Server name in this field. The Process only runs on that server. |
PNODE = primary node name | Specifies the primary node of the Process. This parameter is
optional. primary node name is a 1-16 alphanumeric character name defined in the network map. You can express the name in alphanumerics or nationals (@#$) with embedded periods. The node to which you submit the Process is always the PNODE. You do not need to specify this parameter. It defaults to the name of the node submitting the Process. PNODE is for documentation purposes only. |
PNODEID = (ID, pswd, newpswd) | Specifies security user IDs and security passwords at the PNODE. This parameter
is optional. ID specifies the security ID that IBM Connect:Direct passes to a security exit
for validations on the PNODE side of the Process. The range is 1-64 alphanumeric
characters. pswd specifies the current security password. The security exit uses this parameter to validate the current security password on the PNODE side of the Process. It can contain 1-64 alphanumeric characters. newpswd specifies the new security password. The security exit uses this parameter to change the current security password to the new security password. The range is 1-64 alphanumeric characters. |
PRTY = n | Specifies the Process priority in the Transmission Control Queue. High numbers indicate high priorities; low numbers indicate low priorities. IBM Connect:Direct uses this priority only for Process selection; it does not affect the priority during transmission. The default is defined during your installation. The range is from 0-15. This parameter is optional. |
REQUEUE = Yes | No | Specifies whether IBM Connect:Direct requeues a COPY step if an
ABEND occurs during processing. This parameter is optional. Yes places the requeued Process in the HOLD queue with a status of HELD IN ERROR (HE). You can then take corrective action and restart the Process at the step that failed. Note that you must explicitly release the Process from the HOLD queue when the status is HELD IN ERROR (HE). No specifies the failing copy step is not requeued if it fails with an ABEND (such as X37). The remaining steps in the Process are allowed to execute. The default is NO. The value REQUEUE=No is forced in the case of a submit containing the MAXDELAY parameter. |
RETAIN = Yes | No | Initial | Specifies whether or not IBM Connect:Direct keeps a copy of the Process
in the HOLD queue after the Process has executed. This parameter is
optional. Yes keeps a copy of this Process in the HOLD queue after the Process executes. The copy of the Process does not execute until you release it through a CHANGE Process command. If you specify RETAIN=YES, IBM Connect:Direct automatically holds the Process until you release it, unless you include the STARTT parameter in your Process. Use RETAIN in conjunction with STARTT to cause a Process to run repeatedly at a given time each day. No specifies that IBM Connect:Direct is to delete the Process after execution. The default value for RETAIN is NO. The value RETAIN=No is forced in the case of a submit containing the MAXDELAY parameter. Initial specifies that IBM Connect:Direct is to execute the Process every time IBM Connect:Direct is initialized. Note: Do not code the STARTT parameter with the RETAIN=I parameter. |
SECURE = (OFF | SSL | TLS10 | TLS11 | TLS12 | TLS13 |<cipher_suite>|(cipher_suite_list),ENCRYPT.DATA=Y|N)
The PROCESS command which defines the attributes of a Process. The SECURE
keyword in the PROCESS statement allows you to perform one or more of the following
SACCT = 'snode accounting data' | Specifies the accounting data for the SNODE. The maximum length of the
accounting data is 256 characters. If you include special characters with the accounting data, you
must enclose the string in single quotation marks. This parameter is optional. This data overrides any accounting data specified on the SIGNON command and any accounting data specified in the Process statement. |
SNODE = secondary node |
SNODE=TCPNAME = tcpvalue;port |
Specifies the secondary node used in this Process. This parameter is
optional. secondary node name is a 1-16 alphanumeric name that is defined in the network map. The following characters are allowed: A-Z, 0-9, !, @, #, $, %, &, {, }, +, -, ^ IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS does not accept the following characters for the SNODE: (, ) =, \, “, ‘, <, >, |, || Use SNODE=TCPNAME=tcpvalue to specify TCP/IP connections that are not defined in the network map. tcpvalue can be a DNS name up to 255 characters or a 15-character IPv4 or 39-character IPv6 TCP/IP address. port is the TCP/IP port number. It can be up to 5 characters long. Note: If the TCPNAME keyword is used and the port is not
specified, the TCP.IP.DEFAULT entry is used if the NODE is not defined in the Netmap.
SNODEID = (ID, pswd, newpswd) | Specifies security user IDs and security passwords at the
SNODE. ID specifies the security ID that IBM Connect:Direct passes to a security exit for validation on the SNODE side of the Process. It can contain 1-64 alphanumeric characters. pswd specifies the current security password. The security exit uses this parameter to validate the current security password on the SNODE side of the Process. It can contain 1-64 alphanumeric characters. In the case where the SNODE can Process a PassTicket password, the PNODE generates a PassTicket when only a SNODE user ID override is specified. The actual generation is contingent upon the information shared in the PNODE Authorization File and the option that generates the stage 2 security exit. The IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide contains details for the Authorization File and stage 2 security exit characteristics. newpswd specifies the new security password. The security exit uses this parameter to change the current security password to the new security password. The range is 1-64 alphanumeric characters. |
STARTT = ([date | day] [,hh:mm:ssXM]) | Specifies that IBM Connect:Direct not execute the Process
until a specified date or time. The date, day, and time are positional parameters. If you do not
specify the date or day, place a comma before the time. This parameter is
optional. Note: Do not code STARTT with RETAIN=INITIAL. date specifies the date to execute the Process. You can specify the day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy for 2-digit year and yyyy for 4-digit year). You can use periods or backslashes (/) to separate the components of a date value. You can omit the separators only for transfers between mainframe nodes. Use separators to guarantee transfers between all platforms. You can use the following date formats, according to which date order is specified in the DATEFORM initialization parameter:
Valid Julian dates formats are yyddd, yyyyddd, yy/ddd, yyyy/ddd, yy.ddd, or yyyy.ddd If you specify a date without a time, the time defaults to 00:00. If RETAIN=YES, you cannot specify a date in the STARTT parameter. |
STARTT = ([date | day] [,hh:mm:ssXM]) (continued) | day specifies the day of the week that IBM Connect:Direct is to release the Process
for execution. Valid names are MOnday, TUesday, WEdnesday, THursday, FRiday, SAturday, and SUnday.
You can also specify TODAY, which releases the Process for execution today, or TOMORROW, which
releases the Process for execution the next day. If you specify the day of the week with RETAIN=YES, the Process executes the same day every week. If you specify a day without a time, the time defaults to 00:00. A time of 00:00 means that if you submit a Process on Monday, with Monday as the only STARTT parameter, the Process does not run until the following Monday. hh:mm:ssXM indicates the time of day in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss) that IBM Connect:Direct is to release the Process. You can set XM to AM or PM, or you can omit it if you are using a 24-hour clock. You need not specify minutes and seconds. You can express the time of day using the 24-hour clock or the 12-hour clock. If you do not use AM and PM, IBM Connect:Direct assumes the 24-hour clock. If you use the 12-hour clock, you can express 01:00:00 hours as 1:00A, and 13:00 hours as 1PM. If you use the 24-hour clock, valid times are 00:00-24:00. You can also specify NOON, which releases the Process for execution at noon, or MIDNIGHT, which releases the Process for execution at midnight. If you code hh:mm:ssXM with RETAIN=YES, IBM Connect:Direct schedules the Process for execution the same time every day. Note: When you specify both HOLD=YES and a STARTT value, the HOLD specification takes precedence. IBM Connect:Direct places a Process submitted with HOLD=YES on the hold queue even if you specify a start time. |
&symbolic 1 = variable string 1
&symbolic 2 = variable string 2... &symbolic N = variable string N |
Specifies the default value substituted for the symbolic parameter in the
Process. If you use a symbolic in the SUBMIT command, it overrides any default values you specify in
the Process statement. Specify a null value by immediately following the equal sign with a comma. You must enclose a symbolic parameter containing special characters in single quotation marks. You can set an ampersand (&) symbolic parameter to another single ampersand symbolic parameter that is resolved during the first Process submission. Do not use identical symbolic names. The maximum variable string length is 256 characters. |