Monitoring Process Status in the TCQ

The select process command displays information about Processes in the TCQ.

The search criteria provide flexibility in selecting Processes. You can search for a Process by Process name, Process number, queue, secondary node, status, owner of the Process, or any combination of the search criteria parameters.

You also can specify more than one Process in the search criteria. You can request either a detailed report about the selected Process or a short report.

There are no required parameters for this command. If you do not specify an optional parameter, IBM® Connect:Direct® selects all Processes executing or waiting for execution. Following are the optional parameters for the select process command:

Parameter Description Value
pname Locate the Process to select by Process name.

The Process name is limited to 8 characters on Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows and Connect:Direct for z/OS®.

name | generic | (list)

name—Specifies the Process name, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the Process name. This generic value, containing pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list of zero or more pname strings.

list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each value with a comma.

pnumber Locate the Process to select by Process number. IBM Connect:Direct assigns the Process number when the Process is submitted. number from 1–99,999 | (list)

number—Specifies the Process number.

list—Specifies a list of Process numbers. Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each value with a comma.

queue Specifies the Processes to be selected by the specified queue names. The default is all. all | exec | hold | wait | timer

all—Selects Processes from all queues. this is the default.

exec—Selects Processes from the Execution queue.

hold—Selects Processes from the Hold queue.

timer—Selects Processes from the Timer queue.

wait—Selects Processes from the Wait queue.

snode Locate the Process by the secondary node name. This parameter can be used to specify a specific remote node, a generic value for matching remote node names (using pattern matching), or a list of multiple remote node names.

The secondary node name typically contains the 1–16 character remote IBM Connect:Direct node name, but can be any string up to 256 alphanumeric characters long. You can also specify a remote node name as an IP address or hostname and a port number.

remote node specification | generic | (list)

remote node specification—Identifies a specific remote node name.

generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the remote node name. This generic value, containing pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list of zero or more remote node names.

list—Specifies a list of remote node specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each value with a comma.

status Specifies the Processes to be selected by Process status. If you do not specify a status value, information is generated for all status values. EX | HC | HE | HI | HO | HR | HS | PE | WC | WR | WS | (list)

EX (Execution)—Specifies to select Processes from the Execution queue.

HC (Held for Call)—Specifies to select Processes submitted with hold=call.

HE (Held due to Error)—Specifies to select Processes held due to a connection error.

HI (Held Initially)—Specifies to select Processes submitted with hold=yes.

HO (Held by Operator)—Specifies to select Processes held by a change process command issued with hold=yes.

HR (Held Retain)—Specifies to select Processes submitted with retain=yes or retain=initial.

HS (Held Due to Execution Suspension)—Specifies to select Processes suspended by a flush process command issued with hold=yes.

PE (Pending Execution)—Specifies to select Processes submitted with a maxdelay parameter and assigned PE status by the Process Manager just before a Session Manager is created to execute the Process. After the Session Manager initializes, the Process is placed on the Execution queue and the status is changed to EX.

WC (Waiting for Connection)—Specifies to select Processes that are ready for execution, but that all available connections to the remote node are in use.

WR (Waiting for Restart)—Specifies to select Processes that are waiting for restart after session failure.

WS (Waiting for Start Time)—Specifies to select Processes waiting for a start time. These Processes are on the Timer Queue.

list—Specifies a list of status values. Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each value with a comma.

submitter Locate the Processes to select by the node specification (the IBM Connect:Direct node name) and user ID of the Process owner. The length of this parameter is unlimited. (node specification, userid) | generic | (list)

node specification, userid—Specifies the node specification (the IBM Connect:Direct node name) and user ID.

generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for node specification and user ID. This generic value, containing pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list of zero or more node specifications and user IDs.

list—Specifies a list of node specification and user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each value with a comma.

detail Specifies the type of report (short or detailed) that IBM Connect:Direct generates for the selected Processes. yes | no

yes—Generates a detailed report.

no—Generates a short report. This is the default.

The following command displays a short report for the specified Process number:

select process pnumber=9 detail=no;

Output from the command is displayed in the following table:

                            SELECT  PROCESS
PR01					9       	root    cd.unix.pj        	EXEC 				EX    

The following command displays a detailed report for the specified Process number:

select process pnumber=9 detail=yes;

Output from the command is displayed in the following table:

													SELECT PROCESS 
Process Name    => pr01           Class         => 9
Process Number  => 9              Priority      => 8
Submitter Node  => cd.unix.pj     PNODE         => cd.unix.pj
Submitter       => sub1           SNODE         => cd.unix.pj
Retain Process  => no             Header Type   => p
Submit Time     => 19:52:35       Schedule Time => 
Submit Date     => 05/22/1996     Schedule Date => 

Queue           => EXEC
Process Status  => EX
Message Text    =>