Parameter THIRD.DISP.DELETE.X37 must be coded on the receiving NODE in conjunction with the dataset's DISP= values and the PNODE's THIRD.DISP.DELETE value. The PNODE must code, or default to, THIRD.DISP.DELETE=YES in its initialization parameters.

The format is:
THIRD.DISP.DELETE.X37=NO (the default) or YES.

It applies to output tapes only. The output tape's disposition must be coded as DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE). Without using this new parameter, if an abend occurs while writing a tape then, the dataset will only be deleted if no check pointing is being done. It will allow the data set to be deleted and not cataloged if an x37, out of space, abend occurs even if check pointing is being performed.

Modifiable through MODIFY INITPARMS command: YES