EXTERNAL.STATS.ALLOWED = NONE|ALL|(rec_type,app_descr)|list

This parameter controls which external statistics records can be written to Connect:Direct Node via command WRITE EXSTATS.
Component or Functionality Description

External Statistics Logging is disabled, and statistics record cannot be written via WRITE EXSTATS command. This will be default value.


External Statistics Logging is enabled and all statistics records can be written via WRITE EXSTATS command.


External Statistics Logging is enabled.

Only statistics records where WRITE EXSTATS command’s parameter TYPE = rec_type and parameter APPLICATION.NAME = app_descr, are allowed via WRITE EXSTATS command.

rec_type must be valid value as applicable for TYPE parameter in WRITE EXSTATS command.

app_descr must be valid value as applicable for APPLICATION.NAME parameter in WRITE EXSTATS. Value must be enclosed within quotes. If value must be extended to multiple lines, then value in each line must be enclosed within quotes and continuation character ‘-‘ must be specified at the end of each line except last line.

For example,
Same can be written in multiple lines as follows,

External Statistics Logging is enabled.

List of (rec_type,app_descr) are allowed via WRITE EXTSTATS

For example,
Modifiable through MODIFY INITPARMS command: NO