Connect:Direct for i5/OS Process Parameters

CKPTINV = [nnnnnnn | nnnnnnK | nnnnnnM]

specifies the number of bytes, from 0 to 2 gigabytes, to send before taking a checkpoint. The format is nnnnnnn, nnnnnnK, or nnnnnnM, where K specifies thousands of bytes and M specifies millions of bytes. A value of 0 specifies no checkpoint.

A checkpoint interval specified here overrides the initialization parameter default value.

Checkpointing will not occur in the following cases, even if you specify a checkpoint interval:

  • The file being sent is compressed during the send operation by the local node using the extended compression feature, and decompression is deferred on the receiving node. That is, the (TO) SYSOPTS parameter has DECMPR(*NO) specified.
  • A compressed file is sent and decompressed by the receiving node during the send operation. That is, the (FROM) SYSOPTS has PRECMPR(*YES) specified and (TO) SYSOPTS has DECMPR(*YES) specified.
  • A file is sent to a single z/OS partitioned data set member.

If you request checkpointing when you are transferring multiple members of a file, checkpoints are taken only at member boundaries regardless of the interval specified in the initialization parameters or in the CDSND or CDRCV command.

COMPRESS [[PRIMEchar = X‘xx’ | X‘40’ | C‘cc’] | EXTended = ECCLEVEL(n), ECWINSIZE(n), ECMEMLEVEL(n) ]

specifies that the data is to be compressed, which reduces the amount of data transmitted as the file is copied from one node to another. The file is automatically decompressed at the destination. The default for the COMPRESS parameter is PRIMEchar=X‘40’.

Note: Compression is CPU-intensive and its effectiveness is data dependent. It should only be used if its benefits are known.

If compression is specified, IBM® Connect:Direct® reduces the amount of data transmitted based on the following rules:

  • Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 2-63) of the primary compression character are compressed to 1 byte.
  • Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 3-63) of any other character are compressed to 2 bytes.
Note: If the SNODE is B2B Integrator, only COMRESS EXT is supported.

PRIMEchar specifies the primary compression character. The default value for PRIMEchar is a blank (X‘40’).

EXTended is used to search for repetitive strings of characters in data and compress them to codes that are transmitted and converted back to the original string during decompression. It is advantageous to specify this parameter when line transmission speeds are limited and data is repetitive.
  • ECCLEVEL(n) specifies the extended compression level, which affects how much CPU the extended compression routines will use. Higher compression levels use more CPU but achieve greater compression. The valid values for this subparameter are 1-9, inclusive. The default value is specified in the initialization parameter.
  • ECCLEVEL(n) specifies the extended compression level, which affects how much CPU the extended compression routines will use. Higher compression levels use more CPU but achieve greater compression. The valid values for this subparameter are 1-9, inclusive. The default value is specified in the initialization parameter.
  • ECWINSIZE(n) specifies the extended compression window size, which is specifically for the history buffer that is filled from the user's input buffer ( both compressing and decompressing). The window specifies the amount of storage designated to maintain data previously read.
  • This data can be scanned for string matches. The extended compression window size affects how much virtual memory the extended compression routines will use. Higher window size values use more memory but achieve greater compression. The valid values for this subparameter are 8-15, inclusive. The default value is specified in the initialization parameter.
  • ECMEMLEVEL(n) specifies the extended compression memory level parameter, which determines how much memory should be allocated for other internal data structures like the hash table and the previous table (pointers to previous strings starting with the same 3 characters). The extended memory level affects how much memory the extended compression routines will use. Higher memory levels use more virtual memory but achieve greater compression. The valid values for this subparameter are 1-9, inclusive. The default value is specified in the initialization parameter.

identifies the COPY statement.

DSN = AS400

is required when submitting a Process with RUN JOB from z/OS that executes commands on i5/OS. This parameter is used to satisfy syntax requirements on the z/OS node. In this case, both SYSOPTS and DSN are required. Specify the value for this parameter in uppercase characters. This parameter is required.

EXCLUDE = (generic | member | (start-range/stop-range) | list)

specifies criteria that identifies the file members that are not to be copied. The EXCLUDE parameter can be specified only in the FROM clause of the COPY statement. EXCLUDE allows the user to make exceptions to members specified generically or by range in the SELECT option.

generic specifies a generic member name. For example, if CD0* is specified, all member names beginning with CD0 are excluded. The only way to override an excluded generic is to specify an individual member name in the SELECT parameter.

member specifies an individual member name. When a member is specified in the EXCLUDE parameter, its exclusion cannot be overridden.

start-range specifies the first name in an alphanumeric range of members. Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk (*). A slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. When used with the EXCLUDE statement, the first and last members specified in the range, as well as all members between, are not copied.

stop-range specifies the last name in an alphanumeric range of members. Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk (*). A slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. When used with the EXCLUDE statement, the first and last members specified in the range, as well as all members between, are not copied.

Note: The only way to override an excluded range is to specify an individual member name in the SELECT parameter.

list specifies a list of member names.


specifies that the subsequent parameters and subparameters define the source object characteristics. This parameter is required.


specifies the status of the file and what is to be done with the file after notification of successful or unsuccessful transmission. Subparameters are as follows:

First Subparameter specifies the status of the object. Options for this subparameter are as follows:

  • SHR specifies that the member can be read simultaneously by another job or Process. The default is SHR.
  • OLD specifies that the Process is to be given exclusive control of the file.

Second Subparameter specifies the disposition of the file following a normal Process step termination, resulting in a zero completion code. Valid dispositions are as follows:

  • KEEP specifies that the system keeps the member after the Process step ends.
  • DELETE specifies that the system deletes the member after the Process step ends.

Third Subparameter specifies the disposition of the file after an abnormal Process step termination, resulting in a nonzero completion code. Valid source file dispositions are as follows:

  • KEEP specifies that the system keeps the member after the Process step terminates abnormally.
  • DELETE specifies the system deletes the member if the Process step terminates abnormally.
(FROM) DSN=‘library-name/file-name’ |‘directory/file-name’ | ‘/QLANSrv/file-name’ | ‘/QDLS/folder-name’ | ‘/QOpenSys/file-name’

specifies the source name. File names are verified by the i5/OS standard file name conventions. The entire DSN must be in single quotation marks. This parameter is required.

‘library-name/file-name’ specifies the library and file name to be copied using the native file system.

‘/directory/file-name’|‘/QLANSrv/file-name’|‘/QDLS/folder-name’| ‘/QOpenSys/file-name’ specifies the directory and file names to be copied using the integrated file system.

Directories like /QOpenSys and /root are case-sensitive.

(FROM) DSN =‘library-name/file-name’ | ‘library-name/file-name(member-name)’| /QSYS.LIB/library-name.LIB/file-name.FILE/member-name.MBR’

specifies the source member name. Member names are verified based on the i5/OS standard name conventions. The entire DSN must be in single quotation marks. This parameter is required.

‘library-name/file-name’ specifies the library and file name of the member to be copied. The file name is used as the member name.

‘library-name/file-name(member-name)’ specifies the library, file, and member name of the member to be copied. The member name is only required if it is different from the file name.

‘/QSYS.LIB/library-name.LIB/file-name.FILE/member-name.MBR’ specifies the library, file name, and member name to be copied using the integrated file system.

Directories like /QOpenSys and /root are case-sensitive. The /QSYS.LIB is case-sensitive only when you enclose the name in single quotation marks.


specifies that members of a sending file replace or do not replace existing members of the same name at the receiving file.

REPLACE specifies that members of the sending file replace members of the same name at the receiving file. REPLACE is the default.

NOREPLACE specifies that members of the sending file do not replace members of the same name at the receiving file. The NOREPLACE parameter takes effect only when copying from a file to a file. Note that NOREPLACE applies to an entire file as opposed to the NR option of the SELECT parameter, which applies to members within a file.

(FROM) DSN = ‘library-name/save-file-name’

specifies the source save file name. File names are verified based on the i5/OS standard file name conventions. This parameter is required.

‘library-name/save-file-name’ specifies the library and name of the save file to be copied.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command)
FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command)
EORCHAR(xxxx) CCSID(nnnnn)
CODEPAGE(from code set, to Unicode set)
XTRAN (table-name)
[XTRANLSO (so-code) | XTRANLSI (si-code) | XTRANLDATA (MIXED | DBCS)]"

specifies system operation parameters on the Connect:Direct for i5/OS COPY statement. The maximum number of characters for SYSOPTS is 256. This parameter is required.

Enclose all SYSOPTS parameter values in parentheses. Enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. Separate subparameters with blanks. For example:


TYPE(FILE) specifies that the file being copied is a physical database file or an IFS file. File is the default.

PRECMPR(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the file being sent has previously been compressed using the CDCOMP command. To send a file that has been compressed, you must specify the PRECMPR(*YES) parameter with the CDSND command. The default is PRECMPR(*NO).

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

SNDFFD(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the sending node will transfer file field descriptions. You cannot use this parameter with the integrated file system. *NO is the default.

Use the following formula to determine whether a file can be sent with the file field descriptions. If the bytes required value is greater than 8100, you cannot transfer the file field descriptions.

(24 x number of keys) + (92 x number of fields) + 256 = bytes required

TEXTFILE(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the file being sent is a text file. Specify TEXTFILE(YES) if you need to add or remove end of record characters, such as CRLF. This keyword is for the i5/OS only. NO is the default.

EORCHAR(xxxx) is the hex value of the end of record character. Specify this parameter if the EOR is not CRLF, for example, 0D or 0D25

CCSID(nnnnn) specifies the value for the character code set if the IFS file has a specific CCS that is not the system/job default, for example, CCSID(1252). Must be used for text files.

CODEPAGE(from code set, to Uncicode set) invokes code set conversion utilities, for example, from ASCII to EBCDIC would be CODEPAGE(1252,37).

from code set is the name of the set of the original data set and is required.

to Unicode set is the name of the code set on the local node that will be used as the intermediate conversion format. The code set name is required and can be UTF-8 or UCS-2, or their equivalent on other operating systems. For example, 1208 is the UTF-8 equivalent on the i5/OS system.

The code set specifications are only validated for basic syntax. An invalid code set specification will produce an error message on the node attempting conversion.

A code set value of LOCALE specifies the default code set for the node performing conversion.

Note: The EORCHAR, CCSID, and CODEPAGE parameters are valid when using Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.5 or later.

XTRAN(table-name) specifies the extended translation table to use. The named table object must exist in a library that is in the library list of the session manager job. If the library name is not in the list, the COPY step fails.

If the XTRAN keyword is present, then the following related optional keywords may also be used:

XTRANLSO (so-code) specifies extended translate shift out code. This keyword specifies the hex code to use for the shift out character and overrides the default value of 0E. You can specify any two valid hex digits.

XTRANLSI (si-code) specifies extended translate shift in code. This keyword specifies the hex code to use for the) shift in character and overrides the default value of 0F. You can specify any two valid hex digits.

XTRANLDATA (MIXED | DBCS) specifies extended translate local data format.

  • MIXED indicates that the data may contain both DBCS and SBCS characters and that SO/SI characters are used. MIXED is the default.
  • DBCS indicates that the data is pure DBCS characters and that no SO/SI characters are used.

The following rules apply to the use of the XTRAN keyword:

  • You must specify the XTRAN keyword to use extended translation; all other keywords are optional.
  • The default for local shift-out is the IBM standard x0E.
  • The default for local shift-in is the IBM standard x0F.
  • The default local data format is MIXED. With SO/SI in use, XTRAN is not allowed with PRECMPR(*YES) or DECMPR(*NO)

When sending a file from the i5/OS, you are required to specify a binary transfer on the receiving node. See the COPY statement for the appropriate receiving node for instructions on specifying a binary transfer.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command)
FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command)
CODEPAGE(from code set, to Unicode set)
XTRAN (table-name)

specifies system operation parameters on the Connect:Direct for i5/OS COPY statement. The maximum number of characters for SYSOPTS is 256. This parameter is required.

Enclose all SYSOPTS parameter values in parentheses. Enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. Separate subparameters with blanks. For example:


TYPE(MBR) specifies that the data being copied is a member of a physical database file.

PRECMPR(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the file being sent has previously been compressed using the CDCOMP command. To send a file that has been compressed, you must specify the PRECMPR(*YES) parameter with the CDSND command. The default is PRECMPR(*NO).

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

SNDFFD(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the sending node will transfer file field descriptions. You cannot use this parameter with the integrated file system. NO is the default.

Use the following formula to determine whether a file can be sent with the file field descriptions. If the bytes required value is greater than 8100, you cannot transfer the file field descriptions.

(24 x number of keys) + (92 x number of fields) + 256 = bytes required

TEXTFILE(*YES | *NO) specifies that the file being sent is a text file. This keyword is for the i5/OS only. NO is the default.

CODEPAGE(from code set, to Uncicode set) invokes code set conversion utilities, for example, from ASCII to EBCDIC would be CODEPAGE(1252,37).

from code set is the name of the set of the original data set and is required.

to Unicode set is the name of the code set on the local node that will be used as the intermediate conversion format. The code set name is required and can be UTF-8 or UCS-2, or their equivalent on other operating systems. For example, 1208 is the UTF-8 equivalent on the i5/OS system.

The code set specifications are only validated for basic syntax. An invalid code set specification will produce an error message on the node attempting conversion.

A code set value of LOCALE specifies the default code set for the node performing conversion.

Note: The CODEPAGE parameter is valid when using Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.5 or later.

XTRAN(table-name) specifies the extended translation table to use. The named table object must exist in a library that is in the library list of the session manager job. If the library name is not in the list, the COPY step fails.

If the XTRAN keyword is present, then the following related optional keywords may also be used:

XTRANLSO (so-code) specifies extended translate local shift out code. This keyword specifies the hex code to use for the shift out character and overrides the default value of 0E. You can specify any two valid hex digits.

XTRANLSI (si-code) specifies extended translate local shift in code. This keyword specifies the hex code to use for the shift in character and overrides the default value of 0F. You can specify any two valid hex digits.

XTRANLDATA (MIXED | DBCS) specifies extended translate local data format.

  • MIXED indicates that the data may contain both DBCS and SBCS characters and that SO/SI characters are used. MIXED is the default.
  • DBCS indicates that the data is pure DBCS characters and that no SO/SI characters are used.

The following rules apply to the use of the XTRAN keyword:

  • You must specify the XTRAN keyword to use extended translation; all other keywords are optional.
  • The default for local shift-out is the IBM standard x0E.
  • The default for local shift-in is the IBM standard x0F.
  • The default local data format is MIXED. With SO/SI in use, XTRAN is not allowed with PRECMPR(*YES) or DECMPR(*NO)

When sending a member from the i5/OS, you are required to specify a binary transfer on the receiving node. See the COPY statement for the appropriate receiving node for instructions on specifying a binary transfer.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command)
FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command)

specifies system operation parameters on the Connect:Direct for i5/OS COPY statement. The maximum number of characters permitted for SYSOPTS is 256. This parameter is required.

Enclose all SYSOPTS parameter values in parentheses. Enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. Separate subparameters with blanks. For example:


TYPE(OBJ) specifies that the object being copied is to be transferred in save file format. This parameter is required.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.


IBM Connect:Direct statements are identified by user-defined labels. A label is any character or character string beginning in column one. The label consists of a 1-256 character alphanumeric string. Statement names and keywords are reserved and cannot be used as labels.

The label, in conjunction with other commands, may be used to change the flow of instructions within a Process. A label is not required on the RUN JOB statement.

PGM = AS400

is used to satisfy syntax checking. This parameter is required.


identifies the RUN JOB statement.


identifies the RUN TASK statement.

SELECT = (member | generic | (*) | (member, [newname] ,[NR | R]) | (generic,, [NR | R]) (start-range/stop-range,,[NR | R]) | list)

specifies selection criteria by which file members are to be copied. The SELECT parameter can be specified only with the FROM parameter.

Various specifications can be combined in a list after the SELECT keyword.

If SELECT is specified and EXCLUDE is not specified, all selected members are copied. If SELECT is not specified and EXCLUDE is specified, all members not excluded are copied.

When a generic is specified in the SELECT parameter, its selection can be overridden with any type of specification in the EXCLUDE parameter. When using a generic and specifying NR or R, the second positional parameter (NEWNAME) must be null.

generic specifies a generic member name. If CD0* is specified as either a parameter or as a subparameter, all member names beginning with CD0 are selected for copying.

(*) represents a global generic. A global generic indicates that all members of the file are to be included. A global generic is valid only with the SELECT keyword.

member specifies an individual member name. Note that specifying only one member name is the same as specifying TYPE(MBR) in the SYSOPTS parameter of the COPY statement.

The only way to override a selection by member name is to specify that member name in the EXCLUDE parameter.

newname specifies a new name for a member. The NEWNAME parameter must be null if a generic name or range is used in the first subparameter position.

NR specifies that a member does not replace an existing member of the same name at the receiving file. NR overrides the REPLACE parameter. R is the default.

When used with NEWNAME, NR applies to the NEWNAME and not to the original member name. When used with a generic name or with a range, NR applies to all members selected for that criteria.

Note: NOREPLACE applies to an entire file as opposed to NR, which applies to members within a file.

R specifies that a member replaces an existing member of the same name at the receiving file. R overrides the NOREPLACE parameter.

When used with NEWNAME, R applies to the NEWNAME and not to the original member name. When used with a generic name or with a range, R applies to all members selected for that criteria.

start-range specifies the first name in an alphanumeric range of members. Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk (*). A slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. When used with the SELECT statement, the first and last members specified in the range, as well as all members between, are copied.

stop-range specifies the last name in an alphanumeric range of members. Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk (*). A slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. When used with the SELECT statement, the first and last members specified in the range, as well as all members between, are copied.

When a range in the SELECT parameter is specified, its selection can be overridden with any type of specification in the EXCLUDE parameter.

The second positional parameter (NEWNAME) of SELECT must be null when using a range and specifying NR or R.

list specifies a list of selected members.


On a Copy statement, specifies the secondary node. The Connect:Direct for i5/OS node is always the SNODE. The SNODE is the default and is included in the Process as documentation only.

On a Run Job or Run Task statement, specifies that the commands are executed on the SNODE.

SYSOPTS = "cmd(CL command)"

specifies system-specific submission information. For a remote i5/OS system, this parameter specifies a string ’cmd(any valid batch CL command)’. This CL command will be submitted on the remote i5/OS system through a SBMJOB command. This parameter is required.

SYSOPTS = “string”

allows you to specify batch-capable i5/OS CL commands and parameters in the statement. The maximum number of permitted characters is 256. This parameter is required.

A CMD(CL command) specifies that a CL command is to be executed by the Process. An arbitrary number of CMD( ) parameters can be specified. Any batch-capable CL command the user is authorized to issue may be specified.


specifies that the subsequent parameters and subparameters define the destination file characteristics. This parameter is required.

(TO) DISP = ( [NEW | OLD | MOD | RPL | SHR] )

specifies the status of the data on the receiving node. Subparameters are as follows:

NEW specifies that the Process step will create the destination member. The file can be an existing file, but the member cannot already exist. NEW is the default. The file is created if it does not exist. The copy fails if the file exists.

OLD specifies that the destination file already exists. The Process will have exclusive control of the member. The copy fails if the member does not exist.

MOD specifies that the Process step will modify the file by adding data to the end of the file or if none exists will allocate a new file. The file is created if it does not exist.

RPL specifies that the destination file will replace any existing member or if none exists will allocate a new member. The file will be created if it does not exist.

SHR specifies that the destination file already exists. The file can be read simultaneously by another job or Process. If the destination file does not exist, the copy fails.


specifies that the subsequent parameters and subparameters define the destination file characteristics. This parameter is required.

(TO) DSN=‘library-name/file-name’ |‘directory/file-name’ | ‘/QLANSrv/file-name’ | ‘/QDLS/folder-name’ | ‘/QOpenSys/file-name’

specifies the destination file name. File names are verified based on the i5/OS standard file name conventions. The entire DSN must be in single quotation marks. This parameter is required.

‘library-name/file-name’ specifies the library and file name to be copied. The name of the source file is used for the file name in the destination unless the SELECT parameter is specified otherwise.

‘/directory/file-name’|‘/QLANSrv/file-name’|‘/QDLS/folder-name’| ‘/QOpenSys/file-name’ specifies the directory and file names to be copied using the integrated file system.

Directories like /QOpenSys and /root are case-sensitive.

(TO) DSN = ‘library-name/file-name’ | ‘library-name/file-name(member-name)’| ‘/QSYS.LIB/library-name.LIB/file-name.FILE/member-name.MBR’

specifies the destination object name. Object names are verified based on the i5/OS standard file name conventions. The entire DSN must be in single quotation marks. This parameter is required.

‘library-name/file-name’ specifies the library and file name of the member to be copied using the native file system. The file name is used as the member name.

‘library-name/file-name(member-name)’ specifies the library, file, and member names of the member to be copied using the native file system. The member name is only required if it is different from the file name.

‘/QSYS.LIB/library-name.LIB/file-name.FILE/member-name.MBR’ specifies the library, file name, and member name to be copied using the integrated file system.

Directories like /QOpenSys and /root are case-sensitive. The /QSYS.LIB is case-sensitive only when you enclose the name in single quotation marks.

(TO) DSN = library-name/save-file-name’

specifies the destination save file name. This parameter is required.

library-name/object-name specifies the library and name of the destination save file.

(TO) DSN = spooled-file-name

specifies the destination spooled output file name. This parameter is required.

spooled-file-name is the name of the destination spooled output file. The name can be up to 10 characters long. Enclose the name in single quotation marks if it contains special characters.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command)
FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command)
CODEPAGE(from Unicode set, to code set)
FILETYPE(*SRC | *DATA) TEXT(‘text-description’)
MAXMBRS(number | *NOMAX)
SIZE(#-of-recs incr-value #-of-incrs | *NOMAX)

specifies system operation parameters on the Connect:Direct for i5/OS COPY statement. The maximum number of characters permitted for SYSOPTS is 256. This parameter is required.

Enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. Enclose each subparameter string in parentheses. Separate the subparameters by blanks. For example:


TYPE(FILE) specifies that the data is to be copied to the Connect:Direct for i5/OS node as a physical database file or an IFS file. This parameter is required.

DECMPR(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the receiving IBM Connect:Direct node is to decompress the received file. This parameter is valid only when the receiving system is a Connect:Direct for i5/OS node. *NO instructs the receiving system to place the receiving data in a database file without decompressing it. *NO is the default.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful.

TEXTFILE(*YES | *NO) specifies that the file being received is a text file. This keyword is for the i5/OS only. *NO is the default.

EORCHAR(xxxx) is the hex value of the end of record character. Specify this parameter if the EOR is not CRLF, for example, 0D or 0D25

CCSID(nnnnn) specifies the value for the character code set if the IFS file has a specific CCS that is not the system/job default, for example, CCSID(1252). Must be used for text files.

CODEPAGE(from Unicode set, to code set) invokes code set conversion utilities, for example, from ASCII to EBCDIC would be CODEPAGE(1252,37).
  • from Unicode set is the name of the Unicode set of the encoded data sent to the receiving node. The code set name is required and can be UTF-8 or UCS-2, or their equivalent on other operating systems. For example, 1208 is the UTF-8 equivalent on the i5/OS system.

  • to code set is the name of the final code set that will be used on the remote node. You can use LOCALE to indicate the default code page set relevant to the receiving node.

The code set specifications are only validated for basic syntax. An invalid code set specification will produce an error message on the node attempting conversion.

A code set value of LOCALE specifies the default code set for the node performing conversion.

Note: The EORCHAR, CCSID, and CODEPAGE parameters are valid when using Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.5 or later.

RCDLEN(record-length) specifies the data length for each record in the file. If FILETYPE(*SRC), valid values range from 1-32754; if FILETYPE(*DATA), valid values range from 1-32766. This parameter is used if a physical database file is created to hold the data received.

When transmitting stream data in text mode, always specify this parameter to avoid possible space allocation problems. If this is a new file and RCDLEN has not been specified, the attributes of the source data are used to determine an acceptable record length.

Note: If the IBM Connect:Direct system creates a physical source file, it uses a record length 12 bytes longer than the value specified for RCDLEN. These 12 bytes allow for the 6-byte sequence number field and 6-byte data field that precede the data in each record of the member.

FILETYPE(*SRC | *DATA) specifies the type of file to be created. This parameter is used whenever a file is created.

  • *SRC indicates that a physical source database file is to be created. *SRC is the default.
  • *DATA indicates that a physical database file is to be created.

TEXT(‘text description’) specifies a text description to be associated with this member (and file, if created). This description cannot exceed 50 characters and must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

EXPDATE(expiration-date) specifies the date after which the new or replaced member cannot be used. If EXPDATE is not specified, then the file does not have an expiration date. The format you must use is dependent upon the system value QDATFMT. For example, if QDATFMT=MDY, you must input the expiration date in MMDDYY form. To display the system value QDATFMT, type ‘DSPSYSVAL QDATFMT’ on the i5/OS command line.

MAXMBRS(number | *NOMAX) specifies the maximum number of members a physical file can contain. This parameter is used when a file is being created with this COPY statement. If *NOMAX is specified, then the system maximum of 32,767 members per file is used. The default is *NOMAX.

SIZE(#-of-recs incr-value #-of-incrs | *NOMAX) is used when a new file is created for the member received.

  • #-of-recs indicates the initial number of records for a member. Valid values range from 1-16777215. The default is 10000.
  • incr-value indicates the number of records in each increment to be added to a member size if the initial space allocated is depleted. Valid values range from 1-32767, the default is 1000. If 0 is specified, the member is not allowed extensions.
  • #-of-incrs indicates the number of times the increment is automatically applied. Valid values range from 0-32767. The default is 10.
  • *NOMAX indicates the number of records for a member is limited by the system, not the user.

AUT(*CHANGE | *ALL | *USE | *EXCLUDE) specifies the authority to be given to a user who does not have specific authority to the file or member, is not on the authorization list, and whose user group does not have specific authority to the file or member.

  • *CHANGE is the default. It grants a user object operational and all data authorities. *CHANGE is the default.
  • *ALL grants a user object operational, object management, and object existence authorities and all data authorities.
  • *USE grants a user object operational and read data authority.
  • *EXCLUDE prevents any user (other than the owner) from accessing the file.

For more information on i5/OS security, refer to the IBM i5/OS Data Management Guide and Security Concepts and Planning manuals.

IGCDTA(*YES | *NO) specifies that double-byte character set (DBCS) support is installed on the destination i5/OS system and the file being sent contains DBCS data. This parameter is only valid if the destination i5/OS system is configured for DBCS support. Including this parameter in a Process that sends a file to an i5/OS system without DBCS support will cause an error and terminate the Process.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command)
FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command)
CODEPAGE(from Unicode set, to code set)
MAXMBRS(number | *NOMAX)
SIZE(#-of-recs incr-value #-of-incrs | *NOMAX)

specifies system operation parameters on the Connect:Direct for i5/OS COPY statement. The maximum number of characters permitted for SYSOPTS is 256. This parameter is required.

Enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. Enclose each subparameter string in parentheses. Separate the subparameters by blanks. For example:


TYPE(MBR) specifies that the data is to be copied to the Connect:Direct for i5/OS node as a member of a physical database file. This parameter is required.

DECMPR(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the receiving IBM Connect:Direct node is to decompress the received file. This parameter is valid only when the receiving system is a Connect:Direct for i5/OS node.

*NO instructs the receiving system to place the receiving data in a database file without decompressing it. *NO is the default.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

TEXTFILE(*YES | *NO) specifies that the file being received is a text file. This keyword is for the i5/OS only. *NO is the default.

CODEPAGE(from Unicode set, to code set) invokes code set conversion utilities, for example, from ASCII to EBCDIC would be CODEPAGE(1252,37).

from Unicode set is the name of the Unicode set of the encoded data sent to the receiving node. The code set name is required and can be UTF-8 or UCS-2, or their equivalent on other operating systems. For example, 1208 is the UTF-8 equivalent on the i5/OS system.

to code set is the name of the final code set that will be used on the remote node. You can use LOCALE to indicate the default code page set relevant to the receiving node.

The code set specifications are only validated for basic syntax. An invalid code set specification will produce an error message on the node attempting conversion.

A code set value of LOCALE specifies the default code set for the node performing conversion.

Note: The CODEPAGE parameter is valid when using Connect:Direct for i5/OS Version 3.5 or later.

RCDLEN(record-length) specifies the data length for each record in the file. If FILETYPE(*SRC), valid values range from 1-32754; if FILETYPE(*DATA), valid values range from 1-32766. This parameter is used if a physical database file is created to hold the data received. RCDLEN is required for VSAM files.

When transmitting stream data in text mode, always specify this parameter to avoid possible space allocation problems. If this is a new file and RCDLEN has not been specified, the attributes of the source data are used to determine an acceptable record length.

Note: If IBM Connect:Direct creates a physical source file, it uses a record length 12 bytes longer than the value specified for RCDLEN. For example, a 2,000 byte record creates a physical source file with a 2,012 byte record length. These 12 bytes allow for the 6-byte sequence number field and 6-byte data field that precede the data in each record of the member.

FILETYPE(*SRC | *DATA) specifies the type of file to be created. This parameter is used whenever a file is created.

  • *SRC indicates that a physical source database file is to be created. *SRC is the default.
  • *DATA indicates that a physical database file is to be created.

TEXT(‘text description’) specifies a text description to be associated with this member (and file, if created). This description cannot exceed 50 characters and must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

EXPDATE(expiration-date) specifies the date after which the new or replaced member cannot be used. If EXPDATE is not specified, then the file does not have an expiration date. The format you must use is dependent upon the system value QDATFMT. For example, if QDATFMT=MDY, you must input the expiration date in MMDDYY form. To display the system value QDATFMT, type ‘DSPSYSVAL QDATFMT’ on the i5/OS command line.

MAXMBRS(number | *NOMAX) specifies the maximum number of members a physical file can contain. This parameter is used when a file is being created with this COPY statement. If *NOMAX is specified, then the system maximum of 32,767 members per file is used. The default is 1.

SIZE(#-of-recs incr-value #-of-incrs | *NOMAX) is used when a new file is created for the member received.

  • #-of-recs indicates the initial number of records for a member. Valid values range from 1-16777215. The default is 10000.
  • incr-value indicates the number of records in each increment to be added to a member size if the initial space allocated is depleted. Valid values range from 1-32767, the default is 1000. If 0 is specified, the member is not allowed extensions.
  • #-of-incrs indicates the number of times the increment is automatically applied. Valid values range from 0-32767. The default is 10.
  • *NOMAX indicates the number of records for a member is limited by the system, not the user.

AUT(*CHANGE | *ALL | *USE | *EXCLUDE) specifies the authority to be given to a user who does not have specific authority to the file or member, is not on the authorization list, and whose user group does not have specific authority to the file or member.

  • *CHANGE is the default. It grants a user object operational and all data authorities. *CHANGE is the default.
  • *ALL grants a user object operational, object management, and object existence authorities and all data authorities.
  • *USE grants a user object operational and read data authority.
  • *EXCLUDE prevents any user (other than the owner) from accessing the file.

For more information on i5/OS security, refer to the IBM i5/OS Data Management Guide and Security Concepts and Planning manuals.

IGCDTA(*YES|*NO) specifies that double-byte character set (DBCS) support is installed on the destination i5/OS system and the file being sent contains DBCS data. This parameter is only valid if the destination i5/OS system is configured for DBCS support. Including this parameter in a Process that sends a file to an i5/OS system without DBCS support will cause an error and terminate the Process.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command)
FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command)
MAXRCDS(number | *NOMAX),
TEXT(‘text description’),

specifies system operation parameters on the IBM Connect:Direct i5/OS COPY statement. The maximum number of characters permitted for SYSOPTS is 256. This parameter is required.

Enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. Enclose each subparameter string in parentheses. Separate subparameters by blanks. For example:


TYPE(OBJ) specifies that the object is to be copied to the IBM Connect:Direct i5/OS node and is assumed to be in save file format. This parameter is required.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running IBM Connect:Direct i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running IBM Connect:Direct i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

MAXRCDS(number | *NOMAX) specifies the maximum number of records the save file, which was created to hold the data received, can reach. If the number of records received exceeds this value, the COPY step ends in error. Valid values for this parameter range from 1-3997574. If MAXRCDS is not specified, the system limits the size of the save file.

Note: Two thousand 512-byte records require approximately 1 megabyte of space. To ensure that the save file will not exceed approximately 20 megabytes, specify 40000 (20x2000) for MAXRCDS.

ASP(auxiliary-storage-pool) specifies the auxiliary storage pool from which the system allocates storage for the save file. Valid values range from 1-16. The default is 1.

TEXT(‘text description’) specifies a text description to be associated with this object. This description cannot exceed 50 characters and must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

AUT(*EXCLUDE | *CHANGE | *ALL | *USE) specifies the authority to be given to a user who does not have specific authority to the object, is not on the authorization list, and whose user group does not have specific authority to the object.

  • *EXCLUDE is the default. It prevents a user from accessing the file.
  • *CHANGE grants a user object operational and all data authorities.
  • *ALL grants a user object operational, object management, and object existence authorities and all data authorities.
  • *USE grants a user object operational and read data authority.

For more information on i5/OS security, refer to the IBM i5/OS Data Management Guide and Security Concepts and Planning manuals.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command)
FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command)
DEV(*JOB | *SYSVAL | device-name)
PAGESIZE(page-length page-width, LPI(3 | 4 | 6 | 7.5 | 8 | 9) CPI(5 | 10 | 12 | 13.3 | 15 | 16.7 | 18 | 20)
RPLUNPRT(*YES ‘replacement-character’ | *NO)
(channel#1 line#1)
(channel#2 line#2)
(channel#3 line#3)
(channel#4 line#4)
(channel#5 line#5)
(channel#6 line#6)
(channel#7 line#7)
(channel#8 line#8)
(channel#9 line#9)
(channel#10 line#10)
(channel#11 line#11)
(channel#12 line#12))
DRAWER(1 | 2 | 3 | *E1)
FONT(*CPI | *DEVD | font-identifier)
CHRID(*DEVD | *SYSVAL | graphic-character-set code-page)
PAGRTT(*DEVD | *COR | 0 | 90 | 180 | 270)
JUSTIFY(0 | 50 | 100)
OUTQ(*JOB | *DEV | library-name/output-queue-name)
OUTPTY(*JOB | output-priority) USRDTA(user-data)"

specifies system option parameters on the IBM Connect:Direct i5/OS COPY statement. The name of the IBM Connect:Direct printer device file is NDMPRINT. This file is created by the installation process. The defaults used by Sterling Connect:Direct for the SYSOPTS subparameters are taken from this file. The SYSOPTS subparameters are used to override the defaults. The maximum number of characters permitted for SYSOPTS is 256.

Enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. Enclose each subparameter string in parentheses. Separate subparameters by blanks. For example:

Note: If you regularly override the printer or spooled file attributes with SYSOPTS, you may want to modify the NDMPRINT printer device file with the i5/OS CL command CHGPRTF (Change Printer File) to use the options.

TYPE(SPLF) specifies that the data is copied to an i5/OS spooled output file. This parameter is required.

EXITCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running IBM Connect:Direct i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

FAILCMD(valid i5/OS command) specifies a command to be executed only if the copy process is not successful. This parameter is only valid when the sender is running IBM Connect:Direct i5/OS Version 3.3 or later.

DEV(*JOB|*SYSVAL|device-name) specifies the name of the printer device description.

  • *JOB indicates the printer used by the IBM Connect:Direct job is to be used as the printer device.
  • *SYSVAL indicates that the value in the i5/OS system value QPRTDEV is to be used as the printer device.
  • device-name identifies the printer device used for nonspooled output with the printer device to produce the printed output. For spooled output, if OUTQ(*DEVD), the default output queue for the specified printer is used for the spooled output data.

DEVTYPE(*IPDS | *SCS) specifies the type of data stream created for a printer file from the data received. This parameter indicates whether the resulting data stream is an Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) or an SNA Character Stream (SCS).

  • *IPDS indicates an IPDS is to be created.
  • *SCS indicates an SCS is to be created.

PAGESIZE(page-length page-width) specifies the length and width of the page used by the printer. This parameter overrides the FORMTYPE parameter.

  • page-length is in lines per page.
  • page-width is in characters per line.

LPI(3 | 4 | 6 | 7.5 | 8 | 9) specifies the line space setting (lines per inch) on the printer.

CPI(5 | 10 | 12 | 13.3 | 15 | 16.7 | 18 | 20) specifies the printer character density, in characters per inch, for the printer.

For the printers that support fonts, the value specified for font implies the CPI. If FONT(*CPI) is specified, the font used is based on the CPI value. The following table shows fonts based on CPI value.

CPI Corresponding Font
5.0 245
10.0 011
12.0 087
13.3 204
15.0 222
16.7 400
18.0 252
20.0 281

OVRFLW(overflow-line-number) specifies the line number on the page at which overflow to a new page begins. The value specified must not exceed the forms length specified for PAGESIZE.

FOLD(*NO | *YES) specifies whether entire records are printed when the record length exceeds the form width. If DEVTYPE(*IPDS), then this parameter is ignored and records are truncated.

  • *NO indicates that records are truncated if they exceed the form width.
  • *YES indicates records wrap to the next line or lines until the entire record is printed.

RPLUNPRT(*YES ‘replacement-character’ | *NO) specifies whether unprintable characters are replaced with printable characters when printed. The replacement character is specified as well, separated by the *YES and a single blank. Any printable EBCDIC character can be specified as a replacement character.

ALIGN(*NO | *YES) specifies whether the page must be aligned in the printer before printing is started.

CTLCHAR(*NONE | *FCFC) specifies whether the data contains printer control characters.

  • *NONE indicates that the data does not contain printer control characters.
  • *FCFC indicates that the first character of each record contains an ANSI forms-control character. Any incorrect control characters are ignored, and single spacing is assumed. This subparameter should be used when the source z/OS file is RECFM=xxA, which indicates it contains ANSI carriage control.

CHLVAL(*NORMAL| (channel#1 line#1) (channel#2 line#2) (channel#3 line#3) (channel#4 line#4) (channel#5 line#5) (channel#6 line#6) (channel#7 line#7) (channel#8 line#8) (channel#9 line#9) (channel#10 line#10) (channel#11 line#11) (channel#12 line#12)) specifies the list of channel numbers with their assigned line numbers. CTLCHAR(*FCFC) must be specified as part of the SYSOPTS parameter for this to be valid.

  • *NORMAL indicates that channel 1 causes a skip to the next line, and channel 12 causes a skip to the overflow line (OVERFLOW parameter). Channels 2-11 cause a space-one-line operation.
  • (channel#1 line#1) ...(channel#12 line#12) Any combination of channel numbers, 1 through 12, may be specified along with a line number to be assigned to that channel number. Valid line numbers range from 1-255. If no line number is assigned to a channel number and that channel number is found in the data, a default of space-one-line before printing is taken. Each channel and line number may be specified once.

FORMFEED(*DEVD | *CONT | *CUT | *AUTOCUT) specifies the form feed attachments used by the printer (4214, 5219, and 5553 printers only).

  • *DEVD indicates that forms are fed according to the printer device description.
  • *CONT indicates that continuous forms are used by the printer.
  • *CUT indicates that single-cut sheets are used by the printer.
  • *AUTOCUT indicates that single-cut sheets are fed semi-automatically into the printer. The sheet-feed attachment must be on the printer.

PRTQLTY(*STD | *DRAFT | *DEVD | *NLQ) specifies the quality of print produced.

  • *STD indicates standard quality.
  • *DRAFT indicates draft quality.
  • *DEVD indicates the print quality is set on the printer by the user, not in the data stream.
  • *NLQ indicates near letter quality.

DRAWER(1 | 2 | 3 | *E1) specifies the source drawer to be used when automatic cut-sheet feed mode is used. FORMFEED(*AUTOCUT) must be specified as part of SYSOPTS for this to be valid.

  • 1 | 2 | 3 indicate drawer number 1, 2, or 3 on the sheet-feeder paper handler.
  • *E1 indicates that envelopes are to be fed from the envelope drawer on the sheet-feeder paper handler.

FONT(*CPI | *DEVD | font-identifier) specifies the font identifier to be used for the spooled output file.

  • *CPI indicates that the value specified in the CPI parameter is to be used to determine the font.
  • *DEVD indicates that the font specified in the device description for the printer is to be used.
  • font-identifier indicates that a user-specified font identifier has been supplied. Any valid 3- or 4-digit font identifier is allowed.

CHRID(*DEVD | *SYSVAL | graphic-character-set code-page) specifies the character identifier to use for the spooled output file. This parameter allows you to print data that is in different character identifier coding. The value specified is used to command the printer device to interpret the hexadecimal byte stream by printing the same characters intended when the text was created.

  • *DEVD indicates that the CHRID value the device is designed to handle is used.
  • *SYSVAL indicates that the CHRID specified for the system on which IBM Connect:Direct is running is used.
  • graphic-character-set code-page indicates that the user is supplying the graphic-character-set and code-page. Any value ranging from 1-32767 may be specified for both.

PAGRTT(*DEVD | *COR | 0 | 90 | 180 | 270) specifies the degree of rotation (clockwise from the edge of the paper first loaded into the printer) of text on each page printed.

  • *DEVD indicates that forms are rotated according to the hardware switches on the printer.
  • *COR indicates that computer output reduction is done when the output is printed.
  • 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 indicates the specific angle of rotation.

PRTTXT(‘print-text’) specifies a line of text to be printed at the bottom of each page printed. Up to 30 characters enclosed in single quotation marks may be specified.

JUSTIFY(0 | 50 | 100) controls the print positions of the characters on the page (in the spooled file) so the right margin is regular.

  • 0 indicates that no justification occurs.
  • 50 indicates that blanks between words are padded to obtain a more closely aligned right margin (not flush).
  • 100 indicates that the text is padded with spaces to obtain an even right margin.

DUPLEX(*NO | *YES | *TUMBLE) specifies whether the spooled output file is printed on one or both sides of the paper.

  • *NO indicates that the file prints on one side of the paper.
  • *YES indicates that the file prints on both sides of the paper, with the top of each printed page at the same end of the paper.
  • *TUMBLE indicates that the file prints on both sides of the paper, with the top of each page printed at opposite ends of the paper.

SPOOL(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the data is sent to a spooled file prior to printing.

  • *YES indicates the file is sent to a spooled file for processing by a print-writer.
  • *NO indicates that the file is not spooled but sent directly to the device specified for print.

OUTQ(*JOB | *DEV|library-name/output-queue-name) specifies the output queue for the spooled output file created. OUTQ is valid only when SPOOL(*YES).

  • *JOB indicates that the output queue specified for IBM Connect:Direct is to be used.
  • *DEV indicates that the output queue associated with the device specified by the DEV parameter is to be used.
  • library-name/output-queue-name allows the user to specify a qualified name for the output queue for the spooled output file created.

FORMTYPE(form-type) specifies the type of form to use in the printer when the spooled file is printed. A form-type identifier is user-defined and is no longer than 10 characters.

If FORMTYPE *STD is specified, the standard form for a particular computer system is used when the spooled output file is printed.

COPIES(number-of-copies) specifies the number of copies to be printed. Valid values range from 1-255. This parameter is only valid when SPOOL(*YES).

MAXRCDS(maximum-records) specifies the maximum number of records that can be placed in the output queue. Valid values range from 1-500000. This parameter is only valid when SPOOL(*YES).

If MAXRCDS is not specified, then the number of records that can be placed on the output queue is limited to 100,000.

FILESEP(number-of-file-separators) specifies the number of blank separator pages to be placed between each copy of the file printed.

HOLD(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the file is to be held on the output queue until released by the user. This parameter is only valid if SPOOL(*YES).

SAVE(*YES | *NO) specifies whether the spooled output file is to be saved on the output queue once printed. This parameter is only valid if SPOOL(*YES).

OUTPTY(*JOB | output-priority) specifies the scheduling priority of the file on the output queue. This parameter is only valid if SPOOL(*YES).

  • *JOB indicates that the priority is to be determined by the output priority associated with the IBM Connect:Direct job.
  • output-priority indicates a user-defined priority of 1 (high) to 9 (low).

USRDTA(user-data) allows up to 10 characters of data to identify the spooled output file. This parameter is only valid if SPOOL(*YES).

(TO) UNIT = (unit-identifier)

specifies the unit identifier of the auxiliary storage unit on which the storage space for the file, and file members, is to be allocated.

unit-identifier can be any value from 1-255. If not specified, storage space is allocated on any available auxiliary storage unit.