Run Task Termination Record
The following table shows each field in the Run Task Termination record. The DGAARTTR member of the $CD.SDGAMAP library contains the SAS maps of the statistics record.
Field Names | Field Description |
RTRECLN | Length of this record. |
RTRTYPE | Record type–RT indicates the Run Task Termination record. |
RTTIME | Time that RUN TASK step completed in hh/mm/ss/tt format. |
RTDATE | Date that RUN TASK step completed in Julian date format (yyyydddf). |
RTSTIME | Time that RUN TASK step started in hh/mm/ss/tt format. |
RTSDATE | Date that RUN TASK step started in Julian date format (yyyydddf). |
RTSCC | Step completion code. Displays normal completion code. |
RTMSGID | Message ID. |
RTPROCNM | Process name. |
RTPROCNO | Process number. |
RTSTEP | Step name or label. |
RTUNODE | Submitter's symbolic node name. |
RTUID | Userid of the submitter. |
RTPNODE | Pnode name for this Process. |
RTSNODE | Snode name for this Process. |
RTNODE | This node is P(node) or S(node). |
RTFROM | Direction of data: P(node) to Snode or S(node) to Pnode. |
RTMODNM | Name of the RUN TASK program. |
RTSYSRTN | System return code. |
RTPARMLN | Length of the parameter list. |
RTPACCT# | Displacement to Pnode account data. |
RTSACCT# | Displacement to Snode account data. |
RTSUBJOB | Submitter's jobname |
RTSUBJID | Submitter's jobid |
RTCLASS | Session class |
ESF Submit process: Y= ESF Submit;N=Non-ESF submit and N/A =Not applicable for down level CDZ versions. |