Run Task Termination Record

The following table shows each field in the Run Task Termination record. The DGAARTTR member of the $CD.SDGAMAP library contains the SAS maps of the statistics record.

Field Names Field Description
RTRECLN Length of this record.
RTRTYPE Record type–RT indicates the Run Task Termination record.
RTTIME Time that RUN TASK step completed in hh/mm/ss/tt format.
RTDATE Date that RUN TASK step completed in Julian date format (yyyydddf).
RTSTIME Time that RUN TASK step started in hh/mm/ss/tt format.
RTSDATE Date that RUN TASK step started in Julian date format (yyyydddf).
RTSCC Step completion code. Displays normal completion code.
RTPROCNM Process name.
RTPROCNO Process number.
RTSTEP Step name or label.
RTUNODE Submitter's symbolic node name.
RTUID Userid of the submitter.
RTPNODE Pnode name for this Process.
RTSNODE Snode name for this Process.
RTNODE This node is P(node) or S(node).
RTFROM Direction of data: P(node) to Snode or S(node) to Pnode.
RTMODNM Name of the RUN TASK program.
RTSYSRTN System return code.
RTPARMLN Length of the parameter list.
RTPACCT# Displacement to Pnode account data.
RTSACCT# Displacement to Snode account data.
RTSUBJOB Submitter's jobname
RTSUBJID Submitter's jobid
RTCLASS Session class

ESF Submit process: Y= ESF Submit;N=Non-ESF submit and N/A =Not applicable for down level CDZ versions.