Flush/Suspend Process Termination Record

The following table shows each field in the Flush Process/Suspend Process Termination record. The DGAAFPTR member of the $CD.SDGAMAP library contains the SAS maps of the statistics record.

Field Names Field Description
FPRECLN Length of this record.
FPRTYPE Record type–FP indicates the Flush Process Termination record.
FPTIME Time that FLUSH PROCess command completed in hh/mm/ss/tt format.
FPDATE Date that FLUSH PROCess command completed in Julian date format (yyyydddf).
FPPROCNM Process name.
FPPROCNO Process number.
FPSTEP Step name or label.
FPUNODE User node ID of the submitter.
FPUID Userid of the submitter.
FPSTIME Time that FLUSH PROCess command started in hh/mm/ss/tt format.
FPSDATE Date that FLUSH PROCess command started in Julian date format (yyyydddf).
FPSCC Step completion code. Displays normal completion code.
FPDPRNM Name of the flushed Process.
FPDPRNOP Number of the flushed Process.
FPRMNID Route message node of flushed Process.
FPRMUID Route message userid of flushed Process.