Display Statistics Record
The following table contains each field available in the Display Statistics record. The DGAADTR member of the $CD.SDGAMAP library contains the SAS maps of the statistics record.
Field Name | Field Description |
DTRECLN | Length of this record. |
DTRTYPE | Record type indicates specific data in statistics record: SP=SELect PROCess; DT=SELect TASK; FT=FLUSH TASK; SS=SELect STATistics; and SN=SELect NETMAP. |
DTTIME | Time that command completed in hh/mm/ss/tt format. |
DTDATE | Date that command completed in Julian date format (yyyydddf). |
DTPROCNM | Process name. |
DTPROCNO | Process number. |
DTSTEP | Step name or label. |
DTUNODE | User node ID of the submitter. |
DTUID | Userid of the submitter. |
DTSTIME | Time that command started in hh/mm/ss/tt format. |
DTSDATE | Date that command started in Julian date format (yyyydddf). |
DTSCC | Step completion code. Displays normal completion code. |
DTMSGID | Message ID. |
DTDFLNM | Name of the displayed data set. |
DTNVTAMS | Number of VTAM sends. |
DTNVTAMR | Number of VTAM receives. |
DTGETS | Number of GETS. |
DTPUTS | Number of PUTS. |