Operation Messages
IBM® Connect:Direct® operation diagnostic messages are formatted into multiple lines so that errors and exception conditions are easy to read. Operator messages are sent to:
- The route code given in the IBM Connect:Direct initialization parameters
- The ddname NDMLOG, if it is allocated
The COPY termination message (SVTM052I) is displayed in four lines, as follows:
- The first line shows the step label, the operation (COPY), the Process name and number, the associated node name, and the session class.
- The second line shows the FROM file name.
- The third line shows the TO file name.
- The fourth line shows the completion code and message ID. If the
COPY does not complete successfully, the first four positions of the
last line contain the “####” flag.
When session errors occur, the error message is formatted into two lines, as follows:
- The first line gives as much information as possible in the same format as the COPY termination message (Process name and number, and associated node name).
- The second line gives the text of the error message. The first four positions of the second line contain the “****” flag.
The following example shows two IBM Connect:Direct operation error messages following a COPY termination message.