Traces in Startup JCL
When a problem occurs while Connect:Direct® is running, you can use a variety of traces to gather information to diagnose the problem and record events as they happen. Based on the trace specified, the Connect:Direct trace output is directed to various ddnames. For more information on traces, see Isolating Problems.
Connect:Direct provides the following
DD statements in the DGAJCONN JCL member as the basic set of DDs to run your system including three
automatic traces:
DDNAME | Function |
STEPLIB | Connect:Direct SDGALINK |
DMPUBLIB | Connect:Direct Process library |
USRINFO | Standard display from User exits |
NDMLOG | Automatic trace to list all initialization parameters read from the INITPARM dataset including obsolete parameters, which are indicated by SITA995I messages, and all modules, along with the last date on which they were modified, and related fix numbers. |
ESTAE | Automatic trace to capture I/O errors, VTAM connection errors, ABEND control blocks, open and close errors, TCQ/TCX errors on adds and updates, and Statistics File write errors. |
RPLERRCK | Automatic trace to capture VTAM and TCP/IP send and receive errors. |
CDESTAE | Supplemental ESTAE Output |
CEEOUT | Diagnostic messages from Language Environment programs (STDERR). |