Notational Conventions

The following notational conventions are used throughout the IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS documentation.

Syntax or Symbol Description
Bold letters Boldface letters indicate required statements, labels, commands, or parameters.
Lowercase letters Words in lowercase letters require substitution by the user.
UPPERCASE and lowercase letters Uppercase letters in a statement, command, or parameter indicate an alternative to typing the entire command.
Underlined letters Underlined letters indicate default values for parameters and subparameters.
| A vertical bar symbolizes “or.”
[ ] Brackets indicate optional information.
, Commas separate items within a list or set off the order of values specified as positional parameters. A comma must be used to indicate omission of a positional parameter.
= Characters to the left of equal signs are keywords; characters to the right of equal signs are parameters.
( ) Parentheses enclose lists and associate a group of values.
* Asterisks indicate a generic specification of parameters. With generics, users can request information by specifying an asterisk (*) or a character string plus an asterisk (nnn*).
‘ ' Single quotation marks enclose special characters.
“ ” Double quotation marks enclose symbolics within a quoted string.
\ \ Bracketing backslashes indicate special processing of a character string. They are used to continue a string containing special characters across multiple records or to ensure that quotation marks within the string are maintained.
|| A double bar is used to concatenate character strings. A blank space is required before and after the double bar.
- A hyphen is used to continue a statement across multiple records. A blank space is required before and after the hyphen.