Maintaining configuration files

Configuration files define the operating environment for IBM® Connect:Direct®. The following configuration files are created during the customization procedure:

  • Initialization parameters file
  • Client configuration parameters file
  • Network map file
  • Two access files: userfile.cfg and sysacl.cfg
Note: The content of these configuration files is unencrypted. However, passwords are an exception. When Secure Password Encryption (SPE) is enabled, passwords are encrypted.

After the initial customization, you can modify these files, if necessary.

A configuration file is a text file composed of records. A record is a single logical line. A logical line is one or more physical lines that can be continued with the backslash (\) character. In the sample format below, physical lines 4 and 5 illustrate a logical line. Line 4 ends with a backslash (\) character, to indicate that the line is continued on the next physical line. Line 1 of the sample begins with a pound (#) sign. The pound sign indicates this line contains a comment.

A record consists of a record name and one or more parameter pairs. A parameter pair is a parameter name and parameter value. Line 2 contains the record name, ndm.path. Line 2 also contains the parameter pair, path and /ndm/users/c, where the parameter name is path and the parameter value is /ndm/users/c. The parameter pair is bound by colons (:) and separated by an equal sign (=) in the following format. The following example displays a complete record, where ndm.path is the record name, path is the parameter name, and /ndm/users/c is the parameter value:


Record names and parameter names are not case sensitive. Parameter values are case sensitive.

Lines 7 through 23 illustrate a longer logical record. Line 7 contains the record name local.node followed by an optional colon (:) and a backslash (\) character. All lines between 7 and 23 end with a backslash (\) character. Line 23 does not contain a backslash (\) character, to indicate the end of the record.

Sample format of a configuration file

The following table displays a portion of the initialization parameters file to illustrate the format of IBM Connect:Direct configuration files:

Line Contents Notes
1 #Miscellaneous Parameters # indicates a comment
2 ndm.path:path=/ndm/users/c: record name=ndm.path, parameter=path, value= /ndm/users/c
3 proc.prio:default=8: record name=proc.prio, parameter=default, value= 8
6 #Local IBM Connect:Direct connection information # indicates a comment
7 local.node:\ record name=local.node
13 .  
. . . .  
21 .  
22 :tcp.api=rusty;3191:\ parameter= tcp.api, value= rusty;3191
23 :tcp.api.bufsize=32768: parameter= tcp.api.bufsize, value= 32768

Configuration files allow duplicate but not identical records, in some cases. For example, you can define more than one remote node information (rnode.listen) record in the initialization parameters file.

Modifying configuration files

Before you begin

You can modify IBM Connect:Direct configuration files using any text editor or create a new configuration file using the cdcust command provided with Connect:Direct for UNIX.

  • Modifying configuration files with a text editor—You can modify IBM Connect:Direct configuration files with any text editor, such as vi editor.
  • Creating configuration files with cdcust—Type the following command to start the customization procedure, where d_dir is the Connect:Direct for UNIX path name:
    $ d_dir/etc/cdcust