Displaying Your CICS User Profile

To access the USER INQUIRY screen, press PF6 from any screen that defines PF6, except from the PRIMARY MENU, where PF6 is not displayed. Following is an example of the USER INQUIRY screen.

                                  USER INQUIRY                    17:45:32

 CICS USERID             ==>  SYSA        CONNECT:DIRECT VERSION   ==>  VV
 CICS LUNAME             ==>  BAN06061    CONNECT:DIRECT MOD-LEVEL ==>  MM
 CICS TERMID             ==>  6061

                          PRIMARY MENU OPTION           AUTH?
                          ---------------------         -----
                          CF  COPY FILE                  YES
                          SB  SUBMIT PROCESS             YES
                          SP  SELECT PROCESS             YES
                          SS  SELECT STATISTICS          YES
                          MD  MESSAGE DISPLAY            YES
                          SD  SIGNON DEFAULTS            YES
                          SN  CHANGE SIGNON              YES

 PF keys:  3 Exit   4 Menu 

The following table describes the system fields:

Field Description
CICS USERID This 8-character field contains your CICS userid.
CONNECT:DIRECT USERID This 8-character field contains your IBM® Connect:Direct® userid.
CICS LUNAME This 8-character field contains your CICS logical unit name (netname).
CICS TERMID This 4-character field contains your CICS terminal designation.
CONNECT:DIRECT NODE This 16-character field contains the name of the IBM Connect:Direct node to which you are currently signed on.
CONNECT:DIRECT VERSION This 2-character field contains the version number of the CICS Interface software you are using.
CONNECT:DIRECT RELEASE This 3-character field contains the release number of the CICS Interface software you are using.
CONNECT:DIRECT MOD-LEVEL This 3-character field contains the modification level number for the CICS Interface software you are using.
COPYFILE This 3-character field contains YES or NO to show your authorization to perform a COPY operation.
SUBMIT PROCESS This 3-character field contains YES or NO to show your authorization to submit a Process.
SELECT PROCESS This 3-character field contains YES or NO to show your authorization to select a Process.
SELECT STATISTICS This 3-character field contains YES or NO to show your authorization to select statistics.
MESSAGE DISPLAY This 3-character field contains YES or NO to show your authorization to display messages.
SIGNON DEFAULTS This 3-character field contains YES or NO to show your authorization to update your signon defaults record.
SIGNON This 3-character field contains YES or NO to show your authorization to change your signon.