Connect:Direct for UNIX deployment messages

There are two types of messages that are shown in the following tables. The first table contains informational messages. The second table contains error messages in addition to comments about correcting the error.

These messages are written to the log file named cdaiLog.txt, in the deployment directory. A file named exitStatusFile.txt contains the completion message ID and descriptive text from the cdinstall_a installation in addition to other information.

The following table contains cdinstall_a informational messages:
Message ID Message text
CDAI000I Connect:Direct for UNIX automated installation operation started.
CDAI001I Connect:Direct automated installation completed.
CDAI010I Debug message. Actual message text is supplied on logging call.
CDAI011I Start of display of variables from options file.
CDAI012I End of display of variables from options file.
CDAI013I Backup of current installation started.
CDAI014I Backup of current installation completed.
CDAI015I Restore of current installation started.
CDAI016I Restore of current installation completed.
CDAI017I Connect:Direct successfully uninstalled.
CDAI018I Performing writable installation.
CDAI019I Performing upgrade installation.
CDAI020I Performing uninstall.
CDAI021I Configuring Secure+.
CDAI022I Verifying installation.
CDAI023I Copying deployment directory contents to writable directory.
CDAI024I Copying deployment directory complete.
CDAI025I Execution started in writable deployment directory.
CDAI026I Execution completed in writable deployment directory.
CDAI027I Copying output files from writable deployment directory.


Start of log records from writable deployment directory.


Building xlate tables started.


Building xlate tables completed.


Start of display of environment info.


End of display of environment info.


cdinstall_a exiting.


Connect:Direct for UNIX failed to start.


Extracting admin userid from idInfoFile.


Extracting local node name from idInfoFile.

CDAI037I Admin userid determined. Override ignored.
CDAI038I Local node determined. Override ignored.
CDAI039I Options File.
CDAI040I Resolved Variables.
CDAI041I Variables Used During:
CDAI042I Copied configuration files. Verifying installation again.
CDAI043I Validating certificates
The following table contains cdinstall_a error messages:
Message ID Message text Comments


usage: cdinstall_a [-f <options file>] [cmd line args]

Check spelling/syntax in options file and/or command-line arguments.


Connect:Direct automated installation failed.

Check other error messages that describe the specific error.


Invalid argument found.

Check spelling/syntax in options file and/or command-line arguments.


Options file parameter not specified.

Required options file or command-line parameter was not specified.


Options file does not exist.

Check spelling, path, etc.


Base installation and configuration failed.

Check other error messages that describe the specific error.


Setting root attributes failed.

Connect:Direct® installation directory might not be on local file system.


Secure+ configuration failed.

Check Connect:Direct Secure Plus error messages.

CDAI008E Must not install under root id.  


Backup of current installation failed.

Check other error messages that describe the specific error.


Restore of current installation failed.

Check other error messages that describe the specific error.


Executable code not allowed as value for variable.

Cannot specify option file parameters that are enclosed in ` characters or for Linux, use the $(...) expression.

These notations would allow injection of arbitrary UNIX and Linux commands.


cdinstall_a must run under root id.

Log in under root before you run cdinstall_a.


Invalid admin userid.

The admin user ID is not a defined user ID.


Could not copy certificates to Secure+ certificates directory.

Make sure that certificates are readable and the installation directory and Connect:Direct Secure Plus subdirectorys are writable.


Upgrade installation and configuration failed.

Check other error messages that describe the specific error.


No keycert for S+ install.

cdai_localCertFile must be specified.


Restore of installation directory failed.

Check other error messages that describe the specific error.


File does not exist or is unreadable.

Make sure that the file in question is available or readable.


Install directory should not exist for new install.

The admin specified cdai_installCmd=”install” but the Connect:Direct installation directory exists. Change the directory name or change the command to upgrade or uninstall as appropriate.


Shutdown of Connect:Direct failed.

Check other error messages that describe the specific error.


Connect:Direct not installed. Cannot uninstall.

Check installation directory spelling.


Connect:Direct installation verification failed.

Check the cdaiLog.txt file for other errors. View the Connect:Direct statistics for other clues.


Error building xlate tables.

Check syntax of Xlate tables in question.


Copying log/output files to work subdirectory failed.

Verify permissions are correct.


cdinstall_a exiting with error.

Check other error messages that describe the specific error.


Deletion of C:D installation directory failed.

Check permissions on directory.


Invalid parameter in options file or on command line.

Correct the spelling and/or syntax.


Install cmd specified but C:D already installed.

Change command to upgrade or uninstall if either is the intended action.


Upgrade cmd specified but C:D is not installed.

Change cdai_installCmd to install and rerun.


Uninstall cmd specified but C:D is not installed.

Nothing left to do.


IAcquiring net info failed. ip4|6: link addresses defined?

Correct spelling/syntax errors in cdai_acquireHostnameOrIP parameter value.


Passphrase missing for keycert.

Specify cdai_localCertPassphrase.


No cmd line arguments specified.

Specify an options file or the minimum required individual command-line arguments that are needed for the command that is being run.


Connect:Direct for UNIX failed to start.

Check other log errors. View Connect:Direct statistics records.


mkdir failed for directory:

Check spelling.


Invalid exit code returned. cmd=



idInfoFile.txt missing. setting cdadmin to dir owner id.

Can occur if you are upgrading a Connect:Direct installation that is not originally installed with the automated installation mechanism.


No cdadmin userid in id file. Trying alternate settings.

Can occur if you are upgrading a Connect:Direct installation that is not originally installed with the automated installation mechanism.


No local node name. Trying alternate settings.

Can occur if you are upgrading a Connect:Direct installation that is not originally installed with the automated installation mechanism.


No cdamind userid.. Trying alternate settings.

Can occur if you are upgrading a Connect:Direct installation that is not originally installed with the automated installation mechanism.


Local node name not specified.

Specify cdai_localNodeName.


Invalid local node name specified.

Specify cdai_localNodeName correctly.

CDAI043E Not a valid text file. Trying Win2unix conversion. File: A possible Microsoft Windows text file was detected (for example, initparm.cfg). Converting to UNIX text format.
CDAI044E Win2unix text conversion failed. File: Text file still incorrect after you convert to UNIX text format.
CDAI045E cdamind userid cannot read/write into install directory. User ID cdadmin not allowed to create/write into Connect:Direct installation directory. Choose a different directory for installation.
CDAI046E No usable IPv6 address configured. IPv6 addressing was selected but the system has no IPv6 addresses configured. Try IPv4 addresses instead.
CDAI047E Upgrade installation and configuration of Secure+ failed. Check the cdaiLog.txt log file for more information.
CDAI048E Invalid characters found in local node name. Specify a Connect:Direct node name with correct characters.
CDAI049E C:D config file copy to cfg/<nodename> directory failed. Check permissions on the config files and view cdaiLog.txt for more information about the error.
CDAI050IE Required parameter not provided: Check that all mandatory parameters for silent installation are specified.
CDAI051E Connect:Direct Install Agent failed to start Check logs in install/logs directory.
CDAI052E Restore of Connect:Direct Install Agent failed Check logs in install/logs directory.
CDAI054E Local nodename cannot be longer than 16 characters Check that nodename length doesn't exceed 16 characters.
CDAI056E Invalid port number is specified for PORT: Check that valid port number is specified.
CDAI057E Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent failed to start. Check logs in file_agent/logs directory